Life made easy with Driver conciousness

Life a roller coaster ride.. With its ups and downs. What if everything goes straight and there is no one on the road except us. Would the journey be enjoyable, will it be fun with no scenes passing, Will it be called a ride when there is no variation in speed and we wish to mindlessly either accelerate or always ready to put a break at every hurdle. A good driver is one who has a balanced head with decision making power to when to stop, when to take a turn, when to accelerate, when to let others go forward, when to see sideway and when to focus on the destination. Life too is very similar.. To enjoy it you need to bipass many side scenes without reacting or getting affected, simply letting go.. Not being very critical and judgemental about the scene. Just let go. Not going into why,what, How and draining mind's energy. The way if don't put a break on our vehicle at right time, there can be a accident. Similarly in life too, putting a powerful break on our thoughts, words ...