Kindness.. A virtue or power. Kindness is complete when you unconditionally accept, trust and let go the trivial matters & see the gem in the mud & engage refining the same. A feeling of belonging ness & mercy automatically creates responsibility to transform the one who is at mistake. To err is human & to forgive is divine. Transforming & bringing the change in someone or something definitely requires the power of love & good wishes. Kindness requires acceptance & trust. A deep understanding,wisdom for original nature of soul, it's uniqueness & it's eternal journey in the world drama. An eye for goodness & trusting over the process of upliftment... Patience, tolerance, forgiveness, letting go,compassion, unconditional love. Kindness is when you respect every lifeform as much as you respect your own self. Kindness is when you give time & space to others to express their true self. Kindness is ...
NEW KNOWLEDGE BY GOD For learning something new especially Knowledge of Soul and Supreme Soul ,one has to come empty apron. In world,We already have read a lot of books,achieved a lot in worldly fronts,have lot of experiences of life in terms of work & Relations. But this is the knowledge of purity,a new knowledge ,Spiritual knowledge that purifies us and makes us free from karmic bondages. Body conscious which is source of all distress and suffering has made everyone’s life’s boat sinking and we are wandering here and there,stumbling in darkness to find life’s attainments,Love,Happiness etc but failing actually to reach soul's true qualities. Life's ultimate purpose is of coming close to self and reaching soul's highest potential . .To learn from God and realize the reality of life in its truest and unadultered form,we have to identify ourseleves as a soul and forget for a while the limited identifications of gender,caste,creed,nation...
What world needs today is 1.Trust/belief in our innate goodness. 2.Clarity of goal. (Worldly success as well as success as a human being, achieving my purpose of living.. Peaceful & Happy living) 3.A zeal to overcome obstacles. (Solution oriented approach, counting blessings, seeing the greener side, seeing situations as opportunities to grow) 4.An attitude of contentment for self & an attitude of Bestower towards others. (I am fulfilled, now I need to serve others) 5.Loving,& an attitude of patience towards world at large( for mistakes they make, mistakes need love. ) 6.An attitude of acceptance, appreciation & valuing the role of each individual in this world drama. (Everyone is unique & beautiful in their own way & important) 7.An attitude of encouragment towards making others Independent & worthy. (Helping them rise above weaknesses by engaging them in task of construction) In godly rememberance....
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