Love in Action.. Kindness

Kindness.. A virtue or power. Kindness is complete when you unconditionally accept, trust and let go the trivial matters & see the gem in the mud & engage refining the same. A feeling of belonging ness & mercy automatically creates responsibility to transform the one who is at mistake. To err is human & to forgive is divine. Transforming & bringing the change in someone or something definitely requires the power of love & good wishes. Kindness requires acceptance & trust. A deep understanding,wisdom for original nature of soul, it's uniqueness & it's eternal journey in the world drama. An eye for goodness & trusting over the process of upliftment... Patience, tolerance, forgiveness, letting go,compassion, unconditional love. Kindness is when you respect every lifeform as much as you respect your own self. Kindness is when you give time & space to others to express their true self. Kindness is ...