Invoke the Spark within

Invoke the Spark within Values like Benevolence,Kindness,forgiveness,mercy,beingselfless,humility,sweetness,easiness,fearlessness,cheerfulness,compassion,Tolerance,Paitence,lightness invokes the true divinity and greatness inherent within you.Contruction is our nature.Mind is the most powerful thing which humans possess.It has creative power.Channelising the thoughts in right direction is the easiest way to use and increase the treasures within. The commentary that we give to ourseleves conciously many times goes into subconcious mind,and this subconcious mind is so powerful that it becomes the reality.This is the reason it is said everything is created twice in this world, first in mind and then in reality.We are doing this all day in our lives not being aware of its power.lets take an example of real life..remember the first day you joined your office...when you saw your seniors,your desk,your colleagues,the work environment,people talking professionally talking ab...