Invoke the Spark within

Invoke the Spark within

Values like
invokes the true divinity and greatness inherent within you.Contruction is our nature.Mind is the most powerful thing which humans possess.It has creative power.Channelising the thoughts in right direction is the easiest way to use and increase the treasures within.
The commentary that we give to ourseleves conciously many times goes into subconcious mind,and this subconcious mind is so powerful  that it becomes the reality.This is the reason it is said everything is created twice in this world, first in mind and then in reality.We are doing this all day in our lives not being aware of its power.lets take an example of real life..remember the first day you joined your office...when you saw your seniors,your desk,your colleagues,the work environment,people talking professionally talking about projects,growth,incentives,packages,Technology first everything was new for listened everything curiously and keen to learn and understand this new way of life.You were enthusiastic about everything and always exploring it.Slowly you are turning now from college passout to a office person.The Information received by mind and environment changed your thiking your whole personality gets changed from a young college passout to a mature well mannered professional in a very short period of time.and if sometimes your youthful traits tries to come out in some meeting or with a senior/colleague ,you silently remind yourself I am in this position,who i am talking to,what is my code of conduct.So this way repeatedly you are programming your mind and there comes a time when you completely become this new personality,no more directing of the mind required for the new traits.Its for the office position.We do it similar for a new relation too,like if someone is newly married or have become parents,we see a great change  in their personalities(we become more responsible,caring,well mannered etc).WE can't say these are new qualities developed after acquiring position/relation...they are not new...they were always there,its just that you instructed the mind it got awakened.So,if external stimuli/situation /change can trigger thoughts in our minds and make us a different personality then why can't we conciously create thoughts and programme our minds to manifest a new reality in our lives.In a study it is said that Mind is such a powerful tool that 90% of its power lies in the subconcious mind and we use only 10% of its power conciously.

In my next blog I will throw some light on how to create and practise such thoughts in our minds in
our daily schedules.



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