THE ONLY MANTRA FOR HAPPINESS IS A HAPPY THOUGHT (THE THOUGHT POWER) A happy thought is a seed for Bissful life.As is said Happiness is a decision and starts with just a powerful thought”I am a Happy being”.Its a journey and not the destination. Have you ever sat with yourself and introspected about What is the aim of my life? Why am I born into this world?..Whether I am happy doing what I am doing?...OR whether I have become happy after achieving what I have achieved till date and whether there is a guarantee that I will always be happy after I will achieve what I want to achieve in life?... Deep inside you will get an answer…if I acquire and possess all that I want in life, there is no guarantee it will give me Happiness. The reason being that, what I acquire and achieve are outside things and Happiness is a state of inner being.The equation of life is inside out and if its somehow conditioned to be outside in then the risk of losing it is far more and again we a...