A happy thought is a seed for Bissful life.As is said Happiness is a decision and starts with just a powerful thought”I am a Happy being”.Its a journey and not the destination.

Have you ever sat with yourself and introspected about What is the aim of my life? Why am I born into this world?..Whether I am happy doing what I am doing?...OR whether I have become happy after achieving what I have achieved till date and whether there is a guarantee that I will always be happy after I will achieve what I want to achieve in life?...

Deep inside you will get an answer…if I acquire and possess all that I want in life, there is no guarantee it will give me Happiness. The reason being that, what I acquire and achieve are outside things and Happiness is a state of inner being.The equation of life is inside out and if its somehow conditioned to be outside in then the risk of losing it is far more and again we are looking for it  outside.This becomes a unending search and we find ourseleves always running behind one or the other thing. Same is the case with relationships. Every human being is an individual soul with their own set of strengths and weaknesses. So my happiness dependent upon someone who himself is seeking stable that will be? Moreover there is no end to expectations which itself is the root cause of all sorrows.

So then, doesn’t a ‘ALWAYS HAPPY LIFE’ seems like a dream!..?

But NO, It’s not a dream. A happy life is not something to be achieved or acquired. What we achieve, acquire, possess or relate to are either material things or people who themseleves are on their own journeys therefore happiness whose foundation is on temporary things can not be eternal .I need to understand that for a Happy and Powerful state of mind foundation has to be unaffected by  external factors and that’s where comes the role of positive and elevated thoughts.

A happy life is a life lived with right, positive and powerful thoughts, irrespective of what the circumstances  are and situations that is a life lived with thoughts of-

 HAPPINESS         -        Not Sorrow
COURAGE            -        Not Fear/doubt
GIVING                 -        Not expecting
FULFILMENT       -        Not Emptiness
FORGIVENESS     -       Not Burden/grudge
PEACE                   -      Not Disturbance
GOOD WISHES     -     Not Hatred

A strong and fulfilled Tree grows if the seed sown is powerful and is nurtured properly.A seed has to be taken care at every step from the point it is sown to watering properly to its protection from pests and inspects to its protection from exteremities of weather.. then it reaps flowers and fruits.
Same is with our life..

We have to sow a pure and positive thought in our mind and take care of it at every step during journey of our day so that our thoughts doesn’t change into ordinary,waste or negative thoughts due to any external factors. We have to keep nurturing our mind with food of thoughts of courage, happiness, fulfilment, forgiveness regularly irrespective . And that is the key to Happiness…

So let’s make “a new beginning” today
Let’s Start It Today, Start It Now
A Happy Life, Just With A Happy Thought
And That Too…Free of Cost😊

SOME POWERFUL THOUGHTS ( That we can use to stay happy and radiate happiness all around or to recollect our powers in any difficult situation of life)-

I am a happy embodiment of happiness…God has created me to radiate happiness in the world. Nothing, which is happening outside can affect me or take away my happiness…The rays of happiness, peace and power are emanating from me every moment. My happiness and power is giving strength to my family, to people around me and to the world. I am the great donor of happiness .My every thought is a thought of happiness because I am an angel of Peace, an angel of Power, an angel of Happiness…

Thank you 😊


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