Seeing the wonder and beauty of life

Wonder is something I am able to do that I myself tagged to be impossible…wonder is I am still smiling and worryless despite so many challenges in life…wonder is I am still hopeful and courageous despite failures.wonder is I am still rich and a donor despite myself looking for oppurtunities for myself to grow.Wonder is I am still loving despite seeing the ugly face of life.Wonder is I am still helpful knowing I may not get the same in return.Wonder is I am still able to see and appreciate the beauty around despite seeing flaws.Wonder is I am able to see the wonders of nature…the stars,the sun..,the moon …theblossming flowers…the mountains..the rivers…the rain…crops Harvesting....the fresh air and able to dream and become like nature .....soft,Donor,mouldable,natural,fresh,ever green,light. Wonder is I am able to see and take virtues from all beings around me…be it a householder service class,working Hard to live and sustain a life of dignity and fulfillm...