Rajyoga at work for Complete Well being

Detoxifying mind and body.:Let go of things not in your control,nourish your mind with pure and elevated knowledge.learn to talk with your mind positively. Avoid artificial foods,Eat natural,Eat fresh,Eat nutritious Balanced diet and take proper sleep.

Pay attention to Bodily postures while sitting and walking.Let your muscles and bones be exercised in balance by being active and adopting optimism in your approach towards life.

Ensure that proper blood circulation is there in every organ by being enthusiastic about your work. Take care of your heart. Let its arteries remain open and take out its task of purifying blood of the body.

Breath in full, Let oxygen enter the lungs.
Exhale any stress/tension regularly.Take care of your breathing patterns by thinking slowly and elevated.

Focus attention on virtues and powers:Practise an attitude of tolerance,patience,gratitude and appreciation in life and make an habit of doing right gestures and let the energy centres of your body always active. Eg,
Bowing down, waving hands, clapping etc

Harmonising with people around:Let the positive energy flow...Your body's blood pressure is connected to your enthusiasm in life,Smile a lot[Adopt Happitude...taking things light and easy,sing and dance to the tunes of life..There are 2 ways to see things around .. as if  everything is a miracle(seeing beauty and qualities around) or as nothing is a wonder(defects, weakness in last stage of world)

For mental health proper flow of oxygen and blood in brain Using brain's cognitive powers(memory,learning skills etc) helps it remain healthy.Do things differently.Think new. Adopt innovation.Let the fun enter your work space.

Warm up self to maintain body temperature and remove any laziness or lathergy in bodily system. Can go out for a  walk  or close to nature in a garden or any open green space listening to your favourite tunes remembering creator and it's beautiful creation.

Streching and bending often helps one in longevity reducing aging process.

Keep your Bodily Harmones in balance,understand your various bodily mechanisms(Crucial parts being heart, brain, liver, lungs etc) and controlling & regulating them all by mind's power.Thinking elevated.Think in terms of solutions .Vibrate higher, and let every cell give you an experience of Bliss. Build your immune system and experience natural disease free life.

Eat Healthy food,Exercise Regularly, Take proper rest.Think Elevated,Connect wity your higher self and Remember Your Beloved very own Godfather, the ocean of silence, purity and love.


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