Understanding Relationships

Appreciate and Value each other,note down the qualities of each other and make them feel important for their role & contribution they make to your life.Leaving all the judgements,criticism & complaints for the things they can't do. Simply appreciate them for role they play in your life,Thank them for being there,they made your life complete.Make them realize that how much they matter,give them their worth and encourage them for all the help & support they are giving to you. Avoid seeing little mistakes of each other,rather be patient and tolerant. Have Big heart & radiate good wishes for them and help them go beyond their weakness and train them through your examples to develop their strengths.Go beyond counting(this many times tolerated,this many times kept patience), Go beyond give and take.I did this much, you did only this..No! You are wise,you are powerful,you have the capacity,so you are doing it, give them time, give them love, give them r...