What world needs today


What world needs today is 

1.Trust/belief in our innate goodness. 

2.Clarity of goal. (Worldly success as well as success as a human being, achieving my purpose of living.. Peaceful & Happy living) 

3.A zeal to overcome obstacles. (Solution oriented approach, counting blessings, seeing the greener side, seeing situations as opportunities to grow) 

4.An attitude of contentment for self & an attitude of Bestower towards others. (I am fulfilled, now I need to serve others) 

5.Loving,& an attitude of patience towards world at large( for mistakes they make, mistakes need love. ) 

6.An attitude of acceptance, appreciation & valuing the role of each individual in this world drama. (Everyone is unique & beautiful in their own way & important) 

7.An attitude of encouragment towards making others Independent & worthy. (Helping them rise above weaknesses by engaging them in task of construction) 

In godly rememberance. 

Love & Light

Om shanti. 


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