Application of Spiritual knowledge

Applying  spiritual knowledge to increase soul’s power and become self realized  in different life’s situations

  •          I am powerful than the situation.(remaining calm ,at ease,and stable) some one said unkind ,harsh words,We can affirm “nothing can disturb me.situation is outside,I am the master of my mind,I am the creator of my thoughts and feelings.I chose to be in my self respect and not taking the words inside me and let my inner peace disturb.I am peaceful and powerful soul”.This is a powerful attitude in life’s situations.

  • ·         “I am child of supreme,Success is my birthright”that can be the strong belief of some who takes up all the challenges at work and do their best and get success in contrast to those who complain,takes stress.obviously,former will be more efficient than the latter increasing chances of success.some positive powerful beliefs helps us keep going  in life despite adversities.

  • ·         Focusing attention on problem or mistakes increases its size many times.Thinking solution and elevating state of mind helps us become powerful than the problem realizing it to be nothing.

  • ·         Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, seeing virtues of each other while coming in contact with each other helps us have good interpersonal relationships

  • ·          For dealing with unpleasant past experience…one can think I am on a journey of life,it was just a side scene.let go.forgive and forget.By forgiving others,we are doing mercy on ourseleves for our peace of mind.

  • ·         In times of crisis,hold on to yourself and think triumph doesn’t makes a person great ,it is the trial times that creates great man.

  • ·         Manifesting something in your life,like say I want to get rid of a certain personality trait.Affirm and visualize that you have already overcomed it ,create that feeling (vibration)of new trait and use the new trait in place of it with full faith

  •       Whatever you eat and drink have a strong impact on your mind.The vibrations of the one who cooks food and our vibrations when we consume it both affect our state of mind.

  • ·         What we see,listen and read too has an affect on our subconscious mind.Taking on violent,negative news and amoral stuff inside us has an effect on our moral values as well as our concentration.

  • ·         Before starting any work,remain in silence for 5 min  and remember God.relax  and avoid last minute rush.

  • ·         I am a divine soul,my original nature is peace and purity.I am a happy soul and a loveful being.I am paitient,tolerant,easy and light.I,the being of light is more powerful than any darkness that may be there outside or inside me.I am victorious jewel.


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