Wisdom of snakes

I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves therefore be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves in this verse,it is commanded to be wise as serpents।The word wise is the Greek word which means prudent careful cunning Discerning thoughtful intelligent or sensible ।This word perfectly depicts the behavior and actions of the snakes they are very careful Discerning intelligent and prudent in how they act We need to be as wise as serpents। We need to learn from the behavior of snakes let's consider the behavior of serpents for a moment and see how this relates to us being wise in the way we live our lives। first when serpents move into a new territory they don't announce their presence instead they lay low stay quiet and blend into the environment as snakes evaluate a new situation they see what kind of opportunities are in the area they identify places of shelter they find hiding places to protect themselves from the attack they observe and see where they can find the ea...