Who are you

Who are you? What do you want from your life?

 Ask that question and once you know the answer write it down write down exactly what you want for your life, your life vision, and your life purpose.  Once you have that go over it every single day, create pictures in your mind write down how you were going to get that life.

What do you have to do to claim that life?  Who do you have to be, to claim that life?

 Most people who want to ask that question can't answer it because they don't know what they want from life. They're just wandering around aimlessly. Most people who don't know where they're going to end up, end up somewhere they don't want to be. 

That does not have to be you. The first key is to get quiet, get in a space alone and ask yourself Who am I? What do I want for my life? What do I need to do to live my best life? What is my purpose? Why must I do this? What example do I want to set for everyone around me, especially those I love and those close to me? What legacy do I want to leave? Once you have that clarity and clear purpose, you can get to work making every day your best day, growing and evolving every day, setting the example of a great life every day, and loving the life you are living every day.

Who are you? Have you been living the life you want to or are you living the life others expect of you? Have you settled for something you don't want merely to fit in this world Have you settled for something you don't want just to fit in with others? I'm here to tell you that you deserve better. You deserve to live a life as yourself, speak and live your truth, and live your fullest potential. Not only do you deserve it, but you owe it to the future generation to set that example. You owe it to this world to inspire others to follow their dream life.

You let them know first and foremost who you are and who you are capable of answering this question. Who am I and what do I want to understand I am connected to the source of all that is all that is possible for me that is who I am and what I want to understand. 

For me, the answer is that I want to realise the highest truest expression of myself as a human being; I want to fulfil the promise that the Creator envisioned when he dreamed of the cells that make me.

I never was the type of woman who liked to get in a car and just go for a ride I had a boyfriend who would say let's just go for a ride I want to know where we're going do we have a destination.

Is there a plan or we just ride?

What I've learnt is that it's a perfect metaphor for life. You want to be in control of your own life because if you're not, life will drive you. Number two, you must find a method to be self-sufficient and then serve others.

“Martin Luther King said that not everybody can

be famous but everybody can be great

because greatness is determined by


Now we live in a world where everyone wants to be famous and where we admire people for just being famous we think being known brings us value the truth is that all of that fades in time.

The real truth is that the service and significance that you bring to your surroundings is lasting and if you look at all the most successful people in the world whether they know it or not they have that paradigm of service. Because the third law of motion is always at work, and for every action, there is an equal and opposite response, which is so true in all of our lives.


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