
Showing posts from October, 2023

Wisdom of snakes

I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves therefore be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves in this verse,it is commanded  to be wise as serpents।The word wise is the Greek word which means prudent careful cunning Discerning thoughtful intelligent or sensible ।This word perfectly depicts the behavior and actions of the snakes they are very careful Discerning intelligent and prudent in how they act  We need to be as wise as serpents। We need to learn from the behavior of snakes let's consider the behavior of serpents for a moment and see how this relates to us being wise in the way we live our lives। first when serpents move into a new territory they don't announce their presence instead they lay low stay quiet and blend into the environment as snakes evaluate a new situation they see what kind of opportunities are in the area they identify places of shelter they find hiding places to protect themselves from the attack they observe and see where they can find the ea...

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, introduced by Abraham Maslow, is a renowned psychological framework consisting of five fundamental layers. These layers encompass a spectrum of human needs, seamlessly blending the material and spiritual dimensions of human existence. This hierarchy serves as a profound insight into human aspirations and priorities, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of our desires and pursuits. Abraham Maslow, a prominent psychologist, conceived this hierarchy in his quest to unravel the essence of life's purpose, especially in the context of modern America. It emerged as a response to the prevailing focus on materialism and fame, which seemed to overshadow more intrinsic and authentic yearnings. The hierarchy commences with the foundational physiological needs , encompassing essential elements like food, water, warmth, and rest. Safety needs follow, addressing concerns related to bodily security and protection from harm. As individuals progress up the pyra...

Religion vs spirituality

Religion offers a set of beliefs and ideas that were experienced or written over a long period of time by those in religious authorities ....saints, priests,Holymen and those not be questioned or tested over its validity in changing times. Whereas, spirituality is based upon experimenting and experiencing your own truths, based on universal principles of law of cause and effect,creating your own ideas based on real life experiences. Here you are free to question and raise doubt and explore।

IGIKAI:Live a very long and happy life.

  As the famous saying in Okinawa goes “At 70 you are but children, at 80 you are merely a youth, and at 90 if the ancestors invite you into heaven, ask them to wait until you are 100, and then you might consider it” Okinawa is an island, South of mainland Japan,containing some of the world’s longest living humans. On average, men live until 84 and women until 90. There are also a very high concentration of people who are 100 or more.Even the oldest Okinawans are considered healthy and have the emotional, physical and intellectual capacity to live and function independently. Those who study why the inhabitants of this island in the south of Japan live longer than people anywhere else in the world believe that one of the keys - in addition to a healthy diet, a simple life in the outdoors, green tea, and the subtropical climate - is the ikigai that shapes their lives. Ikigai. Iki meaning “to live” and gai meaning “reason” - or as we would say in English, Ikigai means your reason to l...

14 principles of management

 - Henri Fayol, a French mining engineer, developed 14 principles of management that have had a significant influence on modern management practices. - These principles are categorized into five functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, and Controlling. - The 14 principles of management are as follows:   1. Division of Work: Work should be divided and assigned to specialists to increase efficiency.   2. Authority and Responsibility: Authority and responsibility should go hand in hand for effective management.   3. Discipline: Employees should obey rules and guidelines.   4. Unity of Command: Each employee should have only one boss to avoid confusion.   5. Unity of Direction: All activities should align with the organization's objectives.   6. Subordination of Individual Interest: Organizational interests should take precedence over individual interests.   7. Remuneration: Fair compensation should be provided to emplo...

Who are you

Who are you? What do you want from your life?  Ask that question and once you know the answer write it down write down exactly what you want for your life, your life vision, and your life purpose.  Once you have that go over it every single day, create pictures in your mind write down how you were going to get that life. What do you have to do to claim that life?  Who do you have to be, to claim that life?  Most people who want to ask that question can't answer it because they don't know what they want from life. They're just wandering around aimlessly. Most people who don't know where they're going to end up, end up somewhere they don't want to be.  That does not have to be you. The first key is to get quiet, get in a space alone and ask yourself Who am I? What do I want for my life? What do I need to do to live my best life? What is my purpose? Why must I do this? What example do I want to set for everyone around me, especially those I love and those close to ...

The Gurukul system of education

The Gurukul system of education was the primary education system in ancient India. In the Gurukul system of education, students went to the teachers house and request them to teach. If guru accepts the students as their disciple. Then the students stayed at the Guru's place itself. And Guru mentored them in all their activities. The advantage of this system was that it created a very good bond between the teacher and his students. Students also learned how to run a family and gain insights on how to deal with society. The current education system and the teachings that are provided today are very different from the ones in the ancient Gurukul system. The global system of education was widely followed in ancient India, and the country was not lesser than the other nations. In fact, India was the one which gave the world zero and it was Indians who first quoted that Earth was round and shape. There was also a mentioned in ancient literature about the demand which we today known as t...