The Rise & The fall

The Rise & The fall (an article from youth wing magazine of Brahmakumaris) As kids we all hear mythological stories of the existence of a perfect world up above in the sky. The world where deities live. A world of magic stories, where there is no pain or suffering. Where everything is available to everyone. We hear stories about the flying angels, Farishta. These angels come to the rescue of those good hearted people who are somehow caught up in some difficulty And we also hear stories about a world down under. A world of devils, where people are given pain in unimaginable ways. In that world everyone is evil, thinking of harming others.The pure and perfect are shown as light, flying and happy. They have all powers and attainments. They think good and do good to all. Their love and good feelings are without boundaries of mine and yours. And the impure are shown as ugly and greedy and heavy with the burden of evil.In reality there are no different physical world...