The Rise & The fall
The Rise & The fall
(an article from youth wing magazine of Brahmakumaris)

As kids we all hear mythological stories of
the existence of a perfect world up above in
of magic stories, where there is no pain or
suffering. Where everything is available to
everyone. We hear stories about the flying
angels, Farishta. These angels come to the
rescue of those good hearted people who are
somehow caught up in some difficulty
And we also hear stories about a world down under.
A world of devils, where people are given pain in unimaginable ways. In that world everyone is evil,
thinking of harming others.The pure and perfect are shown as light, flying and happy. They have all powers and attainments. They think good and do good to all. Their love and good feelings are without boundaries of mine and yours. And the impure are shown as ugly and greedy and heavy with the burden of evil.In reality there are no different physical worlds. There is only one world. And it
is determined by our state of mind. Positive and powerful thoughts change our internal world and we experience being in a world of happiness. Negative and waste thoughts give us the experience of being in hell. Heaven and Hell are truly created by our thoughts and state of consciousness. But the collective consciousness then gives shape to the outside world.
Nature which includes all other living creatures also experience pain because of
our negativity. Nature takes shape as per our consciousness. In a world of negativity even animals become ugly, they experience and give pain. The negative vibrations irritate nature and it responds by bringing natural disasters.
In a pure and perfect world, nature is also pure and responds by giving all its goodness to the Human souls. In such a perfect world there is never any natural
calamity or upheaval.In the beginning everything is pure and beautiful and in order. With time
gradually the degree of purity starts coming down. Everything has a tendency
to go from a state of order to a state of disorder. No external force is required
to create something old and disorderly. But external force is required to bring
things in order or to create something new.When trying to grow a good plant we need to give lot
of care and attention. The number of good plants is less as they don't grow automatically. We need to get good quality seed, have good soil, keep attention to give proper water and
sunlight to the plant. And then with time it takes shape and reaps the fruit of
our hard work. However, weeds don't have to be grown. They germinate
automatically and then multiply rapidly. We need to put effort to take them out.
Our thoughts are much the same. Positive and powerful thoughts have to be
planted in the mind. They are the seed of our action, attitude and ultimately
shape our personality. Negative thoughts however come easily and multiply
rapidly. We have to put in effort to replace these negative and waste thoughts
with positive and powerful thoughts. Positive thoughts are less in number, they
are powerful and they nourish our soul. Not just our own self but they charge
the environment around us. Negative thoughts are more in number, they are
weak, and they exhaust us quickly.The process of meditation is not nullifying our mind, but replacing negativethoughts with positive thoughts. There is effort in this process and initially it can
be tiring. But the reward is multi-fold. Just like growing a good plant, we need
to have good thoughts which are the seed, then nourish them by reminding
ourselves and giving force to the positivity. This is like giving water and sunlight
to the seed of thought. And take care that some stray creatures don't destroy
them. Which means not allowing the surroundings to affect our positivity, not
involving ourselves in useless gossip or feed our mind from the many sources of
waste and negativity.When the collective consciousness of many human souls turns from negative to
positive and reaches a threshold, the transformation of the old world starts and
it turns into a pure and happy world again.
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