Team Building

Team Building

A human being’s personality  is a complete package of physical,social,emotional,mental and spirititual aspects.Therefore when a person is at work,all the aspects of his personality needs to be taken care of.
As we say,along with your head  bring your heart to work.This is possible when he gets a healthy work environment where he feels at home…a positive family feeling where a value based respectful  dealing is there.This will automatically increase the efficiency,productivity of manforce and a lot of time is saved from unfriendly and defensive attitudes which is used for bringing more outcomes.
Now,the question arises how a work place can have a friendly dealings,afterall  it’s a professional world and we have always heard’ keep your personal and professional lives separate’.But think once,can you really separate it?on the contrary it is seen that when you have friendly environment at workplace,you are more enthusiastic and innovative.So,it is undoubtedly necessary to have positive,healthy environment of love and cooperation for all.
As a leader one should :-
Never compare any two persons because everyone is unique in its own way.comparing a fish with a bird on its ability to fly is a waste.

Keep an eye on everyone and extraordinary skill immediately needs to appreciated and bring forth.

Transparency should be there so that there is no chance of bitterness,jealousy,insecurity and unhealthy competetions.

There should not be any favouratism because that would automatically put you in partial position and you lose the faith of your team members.

Appreciations should be done in front of everyone and correction should always be given in personal.

Always Avoid criticizing any one in front of anyone,that spoils the team spirit because such things spread like a fire in forest.

Occasional  Meetings should be conducted to monitor work progress as well the overall wellbeing of every teammember.

Programs should be made to promote overall health of your team like arranging outdoors,reducing the stress levels through motivational lecturers and other activities.

Giving  extra benefits to those who make extra efforts in their task.

Encourage knowledge transfer /skill transfer because this creates a feeling of oneness.

Giving regard,smile and welcoming gestures is a great way to come close and have a heart  to heart communications with each other.Remember you can be a  friend,a guide ,a counsler other than your actual role/position of team lead.

Most importantly ,Be tolerant,paitent,accommodating  and make the environment easy and light.

Time to time,Include some fun activities to reignite the spark within and rejuvenate the self.



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