Success comes with perseverance not with superstition.

Success  comes with perseverance not with superstition.

Sometimes we see that for getting success in any task,we depend upon many beliefs and rituals like say I get success in exam when i write with this pen.I get the deal if i consult my guruji for auspicious time (shubh muhurat).There are many times when we see someone asking for some specific digits their key nos of a car.At other times we see people adding an extra alphabet in their names.Somone may be chanting some mantra before an important task.What is exactly that we are doing?Its like conditioning our mind and depending upon something outside and losing the faith in self.Success for anything work/relation/health etc depends upon your Hardwork,Loyalty,sincerity,integrity and resources and not on whom you met before going,what color dress you wear,which pen you used to sign/write.We may see many people who say this color is lucky for me,this pen is lucky for me,this person is lucky for me.This may have been lucky for you one or more time ,but making it to be a rule of life and depending upon it will  affect focus in the work and faith in self.We should be clear that what is actually deciding the destiny of a work-our current efforts,our currents thoughts before doing it and most important a hidden factor,our past karmic accounts.So numerology,deciding spelling  of names is still a science (still not very powerful)which considers planetory movements but choosing specific dress,pen,person,food and calling it to lucky is mere superstition.With it we are reaching nowhere,but only creating fear.People ask what should we do then if we don't get success despite trying hard with best of input factors?The ans is very "simple" keep on trying.The next question is uptill when?.My Dear friends,How can we know that in advance!Having high self confidence and stabilty of mind,Happy heart and putting in our best is all we can do.What ever we got today according to our current parameters is actually what we deserve.,accept that with open mind because we know all the external efforts but we can't really know the cause of our internal state of mind which is ofcorse due to our past energies.Success is definitely the result of our inner state of being plus our efforts plus the ease,cooperation and opppurunities that we get from outside which is definitely due to our past karmic debts..But there is still no need to worry.Present is still with us.Keep on moving ahead with perseverance,Hold on to yourself and success is your birthright.



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