Joy of Simplicity

Have you ever experienced JOY of simply?

Speaking truth wholeheartedly not holding anything back.(expression is the gift bestowed only to human beings)
• Speaking less at times and listening to the stories of someone else’s life experiences(wisdom) and feeling rich.

• Singing and dancing mentally to the tunes of nature…being happy for absolutely no reason…
• Seeing the beauty of feelings of life forms around me.There is love,there is care,there is compassion,there is cooperation,there is mercy,there is trust,there is Happiness all around me.can I sense those subtle vibrations that makes life all the more worth living .
• Have I ever experienced the priceless happiness of making someone move forward and feeling I moved forward inside.
• Have I ever become big hearten in allowing others to take credit of a joint effort put in a successful task
• Have I ever appreciated someone and learned from them their skill in order to make them feel valued and better about themselves.
• Have you ever played prank and being funny when you yourself not in a good mood just to make others laugh and in the process yourself feeling better(you never lose by giving something to others).
• Have you ever become courageous enough to start a conversation and finish a conflict when you know its not your mistake .
• Have you ever let someone take pride in momentary things and moved on smilingly inside wishing good for them.
• Have you ever reached to someone who is lonely and made them feel belonged to you.
• Have you ever given your priced possession to someone who needs it more than you at that moment.
• Have you ever welcomed an uninvited guest with a lot of enthusiasm when you were seeking solitude and introversion.
• Have you ever made a friendship and won the heart , transformed the one who is always competing with you with your power of unconditional acceptance and truth.

Dear Friends,All this is using the treasures of the soul.One can grow spiritually only through right karmas.We are all souls..not bodies…Soul is immortal,imperishable .sentinel point of light residing between the forehead…Every action that a soul has done is recorded on it.We can record new karmas now consciously to settle the accounts of energies created before.It is through true Spiritual knowledge given by ocean of knowledge,supreme God father who is purifier,liberator,guide.merciful,benevolent,ocean of peace,love,purity and bliss and is almighty that soul is able to know the knowledge of its true self, knowledge of karma,knowledge of its cycle of births and world’s history and geography that it is able to recall its true nature and how it has traveled through time and reached from golden age(satyuga) to iron age(kaliyuga).and how can it now regain all its original powers and virtues through knowledge and connection with supreme being.This connection is not only a sitting meditation.Its a way of living and experiencing a living relation with true beloved father,teacher and the preceptor(satguru) while at action and living a lotus –like life.Being in the world and still beyond having full control on the senses,Self sovereignty


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