who are you watching..?who are you following?are you able to see reality in the illusory web created exclusively for catch your mind's attention ,take control you allow yourself to be you feel whatever is poured over to you in the name of entertainment/news is doing any good to you.are n't violence,emotional dramas,fantises,conflicts and competetion taking you living in their world or created your own?.Its high time to think and chose wisely what are we watching..For all the youth especially,its time to chose career, build strength of character,become mature and responsible and develop a powerful personality to be able to judge right or wrong and move on the righteous path.It demands a lion like courage therefore one needs to have a clarity in mind about negative forces that pulls one down.If only,you are able to discern well you will be a winner in your field.otherwise when your focus is on too many things fashion,game,movies,news,adventure,web etc you will influenced and not able to connect to your inner voice.Remember,its all their business to serve everything in a manner that appears real and catchy with all the glamour spreaded and fantasy world created for you.Are you aware for your mind 's energy thats been caught up there and become unused for any creative or constructive works that demands your attention and weakens your concentration.So,don't be prey to the hunters around,Wake up friends refocus and set your priorities right once again.Wishing you all the luck for filling yourself up with only the pure and positive information and reprogramming your subconcious mind to create miracles in your fields.


  1. So,don't be prey to the hunters around,Wake up friends refocus and set your priorities right once again.Wishing you all the luck for filling yourself up with only the pure and positive information and reprogramming your subconcious mind to create miracles in your fields.
    Thank you for your advice i will also use this advice for change my life..!


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