Second more chance to Live

At times we think...we have done so much in life...We have always fulfilled our responsibilities be it  family or social.We feel content too in our lives.Still at some point of life,we feel everyone has taken up their roads and has moved ahead.Our friends and relatives and everyone else has moved ahead in their life's journey including our own children .We know that this is truth,we are happy too about all of them and the new life's journey of our loved ones .There is a deep acceptance and agreement with drama of life. But still we feel sometimes..what am i left with.I am retired from my Job, life partner is no more.Children are busy with their lives,they have become mature and happy in their lives.At that time,the person usually gets his past memories-- pleasant as well as unpleasant ones.A mixed feeling of proud of what i have done in my life  as well as some feelings of regret and resentment for what i could have done better.
I wish I have had understood my life partner better and lived my life better by moulding myself in harmony with his nature.

I wish I could be more tolerant and easy with everyone, appreciating life and all it's offerings and remained free from any comparisons to others who seem to have more.

I wish I could remain happy with what I have and making others too happy.

I wish I could accept everyone with the way they are and fill in their weaknesses with my love and change them.

I wish I could express my gratitude to everyone for accepting me the way I am.
Knowing my weaknesses and still loving me the way I am and  being generous towards me with their small acts of care and affection.

I wish I never misunderstood anyone and become annoyed with them as I realise everyone is right on their part and needs to be understood.

I wish I could value all those who give value me and be of use to them.

I wish I had felt and expressed my apologies and said sorry for all my unnecessary anger and unusual behaviors at times.

I wish I could be a little more kind, cooperative and considerate towards my nearones in their weak/down times.

I wish I had spent more time with my children when they craved for my attention and I was too  busy in my work life.

I wish i had been more friendly,kind and considerate with my juniors at work.

I wish i had resolved my conflict over petty business issue with my best friend.

I wish I had taken more care and fulfilled every wish of my elderly Parents.

I wish I had spent some time taking care of my health and not just in earning money.

I wish I had lived,laughed and cherished more the joy of living.

I wish I had helped needy around me and not just spent everything on my own luxuries.
I wish I could do something for society and nation at large as it does so much for us.

At this point of life,one should spent time reflecting only on good memories and find ways to heal the emotional regrets by starting a second innings of life.

Start with a pen and paper and write down your areas of interests and expertise.start using them in little ways for the people around you...neighbors,Friends or some young children in society.

Start benefiting others with your life's experiences. Join some community/group where there are your like minded people and use constructive ways to use your talents for fun and enjoying life.

Do some charity in terms of sharing wisdom with  people about Living values.This way your own blocked feelings of the past will open up. 

Do something for society and nation in terms of appreciating its positive role and goal for human life and start taking its virtues in self and see how can you contribute to them at your level. 

And at Last but not the least,express your gratitude and apologies to those who deserve it,time is no barrier if there is true realization.

And most Important,forge a relation with Supreme Companion and experience the bliss of all relations with him.With him,there is a life which is joyful,love full,enriched with wisdom and values all the time and every day is a new day.

Thank you!


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