Actor Consciousness In the Drama of Life: The Way to Freedom.

Do we know that this is world is a drama and we are souls(actors) playing our parts on this unlimited stage..Everyone has a unique soul's part doesn't match another soul's part.This is the beauty and wonder of this drama that We all are different in our roles, positions,occupations,acts & yet so similar.Whatever roles or parts we, the souls play in this world drama, We all have similar needs as spiritual beings. Each one of us likes peace,freedom,love,Happiness,truth and power.No matter what our family background,education,religion or culture is,we all live lives to experience our inherent qualities in our work & relationship fronts. That's about we, the souls.. Now let's ponder a little over supreme Being,the supreme soul,the ocean of all spiritual energies, the highest One, the supreme actor. It is important to know the role of God as well who is the creator,Director and the Principal actor of this Drama.It is Him the soul calls ou...