Why religion...how its connected to a human life.....People believe in various things..nature,science,social service,family values,health(diet,beauty,exercise),religion,work& progress...whatever one believes in, they do it religiously...The Word 'religion' does not specify any specific religion or God.It simply means doing something wholeheartedly.For a student Passing a higher exams and getting a seat in a good university or getting a good job is his sole aim/object.For a mother,upbringing of a child,nourishing him right and teaching him the moral values is the aim.For a business man,its the profit which is the aim,He constantly thinks in terms of progress,strategies,policies and innovations.Likewise,every being depending upon their role and occupation thinks of doing their best to bring out the best of the results.Perfection is our aim and We all strive for excellence.We live life to express and experience our innate feelings in relationships and our innate talents on workfront.Any being deperived of any of the two feels discomfort in life. Today,other than being present at our respective fields,we see people with whole lot of opportunities for both relationships and work.Its easy to connect anywhere in the world with the help science and Technology(mobile,television).No place is far,travelling has become easy.But the question arises,are we able to experience our most valuable treasure 'contentment' in Life ?Do we feel full inside?Despite having all the knowledge and skills why are we not able to generate success out of it?why we are still in search of something more,something better?Well,that clearly shows either we are not able to achieve what we aimed for or our results are not in right proportion to our efforts.How will we,be able to get to the level of success that we feel that its worth putting efforts,otherwise its very natural to feel exhausted and lose interest.There are two levels to check for success,one on inner front,secondly on outer front.For inner front,important is to check for Leckages.It is the mind which is involved in every task.If there is a drain of energy then quite naturally we feel result is not up to the mark.To conserve our mind's energy,we need to see if are creating right thoughts and hence right intentions in our relations and work.We should know what are high energy thoughts.Thoughts and hence feelings based on virtues..Love,compassion,Kindness,oneness,humbleness,forgiveness,Honesty,mercy,Trust etc are all high energy feelings as opposed to hatered,anger,jealous,selfishness,envy,ego,insecurity etc.If our interactions are based on the latter,then we are draining ourseleves of the immediate outcome of our action,i.e Happiness and satisfaction.Outer success which is the mirror of our inner success will also be ofcorse not as it should be and moreover it will be hardly for long term.So,along with the power of belief,we need the power of virtues for making success to be our birthright!!We need to have religion combined with our action(karm mein dharm) and come on the work field or relationships front with the highest code of conduct only to pass every life's situation with honor and dignity.And the source of all divine virtues and knowledge is God,who
is very closely associated with our Lives.He is the highest source of wisdom and guides us through third eye of knowledge whenever we put ourselves in silence & seek divine guidance.We remember him in distress and sorrow in some or the other way,experience his help and presence but what if he becomes a friend and start guiding us at every step,all his virtues becomes ours...Knowledge,purity, peace,love,happiness,bliss,power.Then would we calling any task in life to be difficult,any mystery unresolved or any attainment unachieved.No,when you find him,you practically achieve everything.This is the path of religion in action in contrast to religion in books/scriptures.Path of devotion is entirely different,there you sing God's praise,perform rituals,perform donations but don't get the following:-
knowledge of karma,which karmas can be called as positive,negative or neutral
power of mind(unlimited potential ),
knowledge of past births(divine being,deity as first birth in the beginning of world cycle),
knowledge of human psychology(definitions of right/wrong through different perspectives)
knowledge of neutralizing sins(negative karmas) and letting go of any past burdens.
knowledge of God(what karmas are dear to God ,what makes us come closer to God,How He Listens to our silent prayers and silently helps us in life's situations and help us rise beyond our limitations & increase our divinity).
When there is knowledge,there is Light!Darkness(fear,doubt,indecisiveness,insecurity,blind faith )dispelled and religion comes into action,leckages finished,intension set right,energy high and succcess becomes our birthright!!
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