Actor Consciousness In the Drama of Life: The Way to Freedom.

Do we know that this is world is a drama and we are souls(actors) playing our parts on this unlimited
stage..Everyone has a unique soul's part doesn't match another soul's part.This is the beauty
and wonder of this drama that We all are different in our roles, positions,occupations,acts & yet so similar.Whatever roles or parts we, the souls play in this world drama, We all have similar needs as spiritual beings. 
Each one of us likes peace,freedom,love,Happiness,truth and power.No matter what our family
background,education,religion or culture is,we all live lives to experience our inherent qualities in our work & relationship fronts. That's about we, the souls.. Now let's ponder a little over supreme Being,the supreme soul,the ocean of all spiritual energies, the highest One, the supreme actor. 
It is important to know the role of God as well who is the creator,Director and the
Principal actor of this Drama.It is Him the soul calls out in sorrow or distress or when find itself lost in darkness to show path of light.Religion or Devotion show us
the way to connect to God in a very prescribed limited way through written scriptures,prayers,mantras,Charity & Donations etc but do we feel we have come closer to God or do we feel he has come closer to us or have we developed an unbroken & unshakable faith and love for him or do we experience a direct one to one communication  with him. After all a relation is all about timely help and an open heart conversation. If we recognize the soul's powers and what brings us close to God,We can make some little effort and bring that unlimited power in our lives.We,the souls are constantly in the field of work and doing all sorts of karmas,seeing,listening,speaking,thinking.
Whether,Our karma is an elevated karma or a negative karma depends entirely upon our consciousness while we are doing that karma.In simple terms the intent behind karma.With an Elevated Consciousness of being a soul(actor) playing part through the Bodily costume, I,the child of supreme soul God father makes my deeds elevated.I am free from bondage of karma,dualities of  the life(happiness-sorrow,profit-Loss,good-bad)and attachment to the outcome of the karma.I am full of unlimited reservoir of energy while in the Drama of Life and always ready to leave the costume and experience being resident of Sweet silence home with the father when the part of me ,the actor is over.This is real Liberation in Life where Soul is free from body and all the things that binds the soul into bondage.

  1. We are souls"actors" on this world drama stage.
  2. We all have our unique parts recorded in us.
  3. We play our best parts on this world drama stage only when we have a higher consciousness of being child of God.
  4. We feel liberated from our "roles "& "outcomes" of our deeds when we consider ourselves actors separate from bodily costume & easily become resident of sweet silence Home..


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