
Showing posts from October, 2019


In the drama of life,When we tend to lose ourselves between personal and professional world.Detach for a while,Remember who am I originally...My strengths, My qualities, My talents, My hobbies, My interests.Relive your life afresh, start again. Unlearn your new beliefs and relearn few old ones. Yes you read it right unlearn new, relearn old ones. As is saying old is gold & Simplicity is beauty. We have to reignite that spark, the zest to live and fly in high in spirit...high... Higher!! Yes! Chance for the negativity to survive gone. Lightness and easiness back and whole universe is open for you now.. You are limitless free from ego and any negative emotion that is not serving you any more. Connect back to originality... Care, share feel free... Live...touch hearts, Give the gift of life to all.

Story of life as seen through my graduation days

‌ A young lady... Full of dreams, very innocent by heart.. Understands only languge of love fun and selflessness.There seems a strange world all around after graduation days. People very practical...  truth, honesty, integrity seemingly extinct.!! It's a mad world running before skills, technology, scope.Fun of learning... Fun of sharing and caring...natural human Feelings seemed to fade in front of this race.. Every thing seemed useless when there is no trust, no authenticity... Insecurity and bruising each other prevailed at most of the occasion. My childish, innocent heart s puts up a question... What is the purpose of life, where have we come from and with this way where are we heading.. How to feel love and happiness which is unconditional in this competitive world.I chose my own pace...and a unique path... Which was not based on temporary  success whether in terms of marks or  even a job. I studied to learn.. Coz it makes me happy. I had a broader vision of pr...

Creator of Universe is our father

Creator of the world is different from creation itself. We are masters of universe not universe itself..3 entities coexist and world drama revolves around these. Soul, Supreme Soul and nature.We are master creators of our destiny. Everything is manifested in this universe through our thoughts, feelings and vibrations. God, supreme soul supreme father is the ocean of wisdom, purity, peace, love, happiness is Almighty and ever pure and blissful guides the soul towards its aim. Not only a guide, he is liberator, merciful, benevolent father who purifies the soul and gives the experience of all relationships with him,... For strength, he is a father... For unconditional love, he acts like a mother.. For giving company, he becomes a consort. For support, he even acts as friend. It is him the supreme preceptor who grants a soul salvation and liberates itself from cycle of birth and rebirth and shows us the path of our sweet silence home. He is a living entity, a confident being. A being o...

Which AWAKENING technique will Help?

  Daily spiritual knowledge discourse and seeing the life through third eye of knowledge. living in present, practising gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, realising the true nature of soul all comes in to that. Raising soul's vibration is an act of god based entirely on our deeds . It's seen even the good meditators are trapped in to I and mine after taking the taste of success. This subtle ego can only be subdued only by regular study of who am I, who the Almighty authority really is, what are his powers, what is my eternal relation with him , How have I travelled through cycle of birth and rebirths, based upon that what are my weaknesses and strengths,What path should I chose now to reach my full potential. Dear Friends, always remember we are all unique, neither higher nor lower than anyone.. Living in this world which is a variety drama, finding my own unique purpose and sticking on it is the only challenge coz there will be obstacles from my mind and intellect wh...