Story of life as seen through my graduation days

A young lady... Full of dreams, very innocent by heart.. Understands only languge of love fun and selflessness.There seems a strange world all around after graduation days. People very practical...  truth, honesty, integrity seemingly extinct.!! It's a mad world running before skills, technology, scope.Fun of learning... Fun of sharing and caring...natural human Feelings seemed to fade in front of this race.. Every thing seemed useless when there is no trust, no authenticity... Insecurity and bruising each other prevailed at most of the occasion. My childish, innocent heart s puts up a question... What is the purpose of life, where have we come from and with this way where are we heading.. How to feel love and happiness which is unconditional in this competitive world.I chose my own pace...and a unique path... Which was not based on temporary  success whether in terms of marks or  even a job. I studied to learn.. Coz it makes me happy. I had a broader vision of preparing for interviews right from the classroom days. I loved tickling mind and brain storming and handling all sorts of possible question s... Now I understand my nature was always like this.. I was always curious and that made me different... Separate from crowd. Curious whether on study matter or on life matters... We are all different... This is beautiful variety drama. Everyone has a part to play.. Unique. Acceptance is the key to happiness. Life is not something to be explored, it is something that we create. Life itself has no meaning or purpose, on the contrary life is an Opportunity to add meaning or purpose. And the highest purpose of life is to evolve. learn and live the principles which governs life. Laws of karma. Laws of cause and effect. What are the causes of  Negative experiences of life like sickness, failure, betrayal, hurt, insult, loss etc...  And how to rise ourselves above it. How should we respond to such situation in life so that we become the master of our life and they have no effect over us. It is said 5%of life is what happens to you from outside and your 95% of life is the result of how you respond to what comes from outside. So, it's quite wise to work on oneself on attitudnal level. That itself is purpose of life, evolving, adding more meaning to your existence and coming closer to life, experiencing unconditional love and happiness through company of God. It is him the ocean of divine wisdom purity, peace,love and happiness that soul finds courage to evolve and perform deeds based on karma philosophy, settling any old accounts of sorrow and accumulating treasure of imperishable attainments.
Purpose of life.. Coming close to God..Live fully..implementing his teachings and Spreading those through our deeds


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