Creator of Universe is our father

Creator of the world is different from creation itself. We are masters of universe not universe itself..3 entities coexist and world drama revolves around these. Soul, Supreme Soul and nature.We are master creators of our destiny. Everything is manifested in this universe through our thoughts, feelings and vibrations. God, supreme soul supreme father is the ocean of wisdom, purity, peace, love, happiness is Almighty and ever pure and blissful guides the soul towards its aim. Not only a guide, he is liberator, merciful, benevolent father who purifies the soul and gives the experience of all relationships with him,... For strength, he is a father... For unconditional love, he acts like a mother.. For giving company, he becomes a consort. For support, he even acts as friend. It is him the supreme preceptor who grants a soul salvation and liberates itself from cycle of birth and rebirth and shows us the path of our sweet silence home. He is a living entity, a confident being. A being of light like us souls, a star... Difference is he is supreme in his qualities and is ever full.. On the contrary we souls comes into cycle of birth and rebirth...takes the body, leaves the body... Thus the battery goes dim but he is powerhouse, comes at a certain point of time in world cycle... At the darkest point... To reawaken the soul towards its true potential.


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