Rise , Rise yet again till you reach the Peak.

When situations twist and turn you. When people shake you. When there are trial times, always remember they are the signals for you to become a better version of yourself.Its time to change. For once it may seem people and situations are not fare. Everything may seem unjust.people may seem non cooperating, even ruthless at times not valuing you, not taking you seriously, trying to overpower you but again remember my friend, Its not them,its me who has to change.It's time to rise to awaken yourself again and see everything in the light of knowledge.Develop positive outlook. Do something miraculous beyond your caliber, Be non judgemental about people and situations,and use everything in your favour, awaken your inner powers and create yet another milestone, challenge yourself,and win over obstacles .Create  history. The world is waiting to see you victorious!!Take charge of yourself, Reinvent & Rediscover yourself and honor yourself.Good wishes and Best of Luck.
 Love❤ and 💡light..
In Godly rememberance.
Om shanti. 


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