Purpose of life

Purpose of life
Money is important, but not everything.
Apart from basic needs,everything else is a desire(ichha)…and they are endless(antheen).
if one has enough,one should donate to those who can’t manage to get even their  necessasities.
This will create a  Balance in society.A feeling of compassion and brotherhood will remain alive.
The one who has lot of wealth feels peacelessness***(see below) and if he does an act of charity,a good deed  in the name of God.God fulfills their desire of imperishable attainments(peace,Happiness,love) in return of this pure feeling of bringing benefit to those in need.

Purpose of life is to feel life and come closer to God.

****For profit,anger,rough language,…insulting words…will this increase their productivity?.Will he be Happy after that…will he be sending me good energy after that.
lost relations,lost health.So,I got the Project done…Got money…Got things and comforts…but where is Happiness..where is Health?


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