Spirituality -The way to be.
A very nice read..
What is Spirituality?
The term spirituality or being spiritual is being used quite
frequently these days, but what exactly does it mean and how does it relate to
Many people like to tell others they are a 'spiritual' person
probably to let them know they are not materialistic or superficial and that
they 'get it'. That's fine if we all understand and agree on what we're talking
Traditionally being spiritual signified having an attachment to
religious values, or matters of the spirit, rather than material or worldly
More recently it has also taken on to mean reaching higher
levels of consciousness using meditation, yoga and similar practices.
I consider spirituality to be a state in which we are connected to
God, Nature, each other, and the deepest part of ourselves.
Why is spirituality important in our lives?
In order for us to function fully, all aspects of ourselves must
be balanced. Our mind, body and spirit have to be in
harmony with each other.
We cannot focus on the material and neglect the spiritual. People
may think that being spiritual is difficult and demanding, but that is not the
You can experience being spiritual when
you enjoy listening to a beautiful piece of music, looking at an amazing work of art, or
reading an inspirationalbook
or poem.
How is that spiritual?
It is spiritual because when you are
immersed in, and deriving pleasure from it, it touches your soul and connects
you to the artist and creation itself (God).
You experience spiritual moments when
you walk through the woods and connect with nature, walk along a beautiful
beach, or when you see the sun set.
You experience a
spiritual connection with others when you work together to reach a common goal,
such as raising funds to help those in need, playing on a sports team, being in a musical band or
orchestra, or anything that involves teamwork and cooperation with others
When we are in tune with God, Nature,
each other, and ourselves, we are being spiritual. There are so many wonderful
ways that we can make, and take the time, to "connect".
How to Become More
Take time for yourself. Rejuvenate your
spirit and nurture yourself by listening to relaxing music. Read inspirational literature; get a massage.
Help those in need of your assistance. When you help
others, you automatically connect better with the rest of humanity. Volunteer
as a big brother or sister, coach little league, donate to the food shelter.
Every little bit helps.
Practice gratitude. There are so
many things to be grateful for in life. Take time to reflect on them and
acknowledge how fortunate we all are for family, friends, and endless
Practice mindfulness. Become aware of your environment. Be
aware of yourself within your environment. Enjoy the colors and smells of
nature around you. Enjoy the feel of rain falling on your nose and the wind
blowing on your face. It will put you in a revitalizing, fresh state of
Express yourself. If you don't
already engage in artistic or expressive activities, learn to dance, sing, play
a musical instrument, or take art lessons. Doing so puts you in touch with your
creative, right brain side. We all need to balance the logical, linear aspects
of ourselves.
Looking inward to act more wisely
For many millennials looking inward is an ethical endeavour.
Being spiritual to them implies seeking to better understand one’s inner life
in order to act more wisely in the world. For many, becoming more contemplative
or aware of their inner life allows them to interact with others in a way that
is less reactive, less harmful and more authentic to who they think themselves
to be.
Thus, there are certain virtues which have come to be associated
with spirituality: compassion, empathy and open-heartedness. These virtues
naturally flow out of the introspection inherent to spirituality because they
ultimately require a high level of self-knowledge. That is, knowledge of why we
hold the beliefs we do, knowledge of why we act in certain ways, and most
importantly, knowledge of our interdependence within ourseleves and with God.
This knowledge — acquired either through practices like
meditation, self-reflection and (in some cases) psychotherapy — leads one to
become more sensitive to the emotions of others, and even to one’s surrounding
environments, both social and natural.
Spirituality does not mean any
particular practice. It is a certain way of being. To get there, there are many
things to do. This is like a garden in your house. If the soil, sunlight or
stem of a plant is in a certain way, it won’t yield flowers, you have to do
something. You have to take care of those things. So if you cultivate your
body, mind, emotions and energies to a certain level of maturity, something
else blossoms within you – that is what is spirituality. When your rationale is
immature, it doubts everything. When your rationale matures, it sees everything
in a completely different light.
Whenever any human being experiences something
bigger than himself, the traditional way of looking at that is, “this is God…”
The whole idea of God is just that – anything bigger than you. It could be a
human being or an experience or some aspect of nature. But is this spiritual?
No, this is just life. When I say “just life“, I am not trying to dismiss it as a small thing. It is the
greatest thing. Only when life becomes an overwhelming, powerful, blissful
experience for you, you want to know what could have created this.
If you want to know the process or the source
of creation, the most intimate part of creation for you is your own body, isn’t
it? There is a captive creator here, trapped within you. You shouldn’t miss him
here. If you don’t miss him here, if you know the source of creation within
you, you are spiritual.
Does Belief in God Make You Spiritual?
An atheist cannot be spiritual. But you must
understand that even a theist cannot be spiritual. Because an atheist and a theist are not different. One believes there is God, another believes
there is no God. Both of them are believing something that they do not know.
You are not sincere enough to admit that you do not know, that’s your problem.
So theists and atheists are not different. They are the same people putting up
an act of being different. A spiritual
seeker is neither a
theist nor an atheist. He has realized that he does not know, so he is seeking.
The moment you believe something, you become
blind to everything else. The whole conflict on the planet is not between good
and evil as they are trying to project it. It is always one man’s belief versus
another man’s belief. The need for belief is more psychological than spiritual.
You want to cling to something, you want to feel secure, you want to feel like
you know it all. That is coming from a very immature mind. What is the problem
if you don’t know anything about this existence. You actually don’t know
anything. It’s beautiful! And you see how to make yourself beautiful and joyful
within yourself, which is within your hands.
What is a Spiritual Experience?
Going to the ocean or to the mountain and
seeking an experience may be beautiful, you must enjoy the world the way it is,
but you must understand, the fish in the ocean doesn’t think it’s a spiritual
experience, nor does the mountain goats think the mountain is a spiritual
experience because they are there all the time. If you bring them to the city,
they may think it’s a spiritual experience. It is the breaking of the barrier
within you – something broke within you. You were in a shell. This broke and
became a bigger shell. What I’m saying is, if you get used to the bigger shell,
it feels the same way as the previous one.
So if you want to become boundless and you are trying to attempt it through physicality, you
are essentially trying to go towards boundlessness in installments. Can you
count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and one day count to infinity? You will only become endless
counting. That’s not the way. Through physical means, you can never reach
towards boundless nature. Every human being is looking to become boundless. If
you give him whatever he wants, for three days he is okay. The fourth day he is
looking for something else. Somebody may label it as greed, I just say this is
life process in the wrong direction. If you want to know boundless nature, you
must experience, you must perceive something which is beyond the physical.
Something you might have touched when you jumped into the ocean, when you saw a
mountain, when you sang a song, when you danced, when you closed your eyes, in
so many ways it could have happened to an individual. You touched it, but now
the question is of sustainability.
A Simple Practice
One thing is, we can put you on to something very
simple, which is subjective. Any subjective technology cannot be taught to you
in uncommitted atmospheres. So if you are willing to give yourself a small
space of time that is very committed and focused, we can put you on a simple
practice, where investing just 21 minutes a day (Inner Engineering), you can start your day with a very phenomenal spiritual
experience within you. A very powerful experience that leaves you peaceful and
joyful throughout the day.
Apart from that, to sustain it, one simple
thing every human being has to do is, make your sense of involvement
indiscriminate. If you look at a person, a tree, or a cloud, you are equally
involved. You are equally involved with your own body and the breath. If you
have no discrimination as to which is better, and you are equally involved with
every aspect in life, then you will be constantly spiritual. Nobody needs to
teach you what is spirituality
some author*********
some author*********
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