God Restoring Balance in Society and Establishing a Righteous world.

As we closely see,Today's Modern,intelligent, sophesticated man accumulating Knowledge, Skills,Power and Wealth sometimes becomes Selfish on part of bringing benefit to all and fulfilling their responsibility as a human being. But ,Why this happens when we souls as child of supreme Benevolent God father are natural donors & bestowers. Then why this Coldness & self centeredness? Let's think a little about this of what probably may be the reason behind it.Through experience in implementing spirituality in life,it is a known fact that Body conciousness being the root cause and the role conciousness being the second major reason behind one not following his natural code of conduct. With that awareness of body conc iousness &' I 'factor,humanness starts to fade, and thus barriers and disintergration starts happening in world which inturn creates Disbalance in the society and the world at large.Unrighteouness starts to take hold the roots of the human chara...