Giving is my 🌿🍃Nature.

Giving is my 🌿🍃Nature. Let's Re alive the spirit of Harmony!! 

Giving is my nature. Seeing, all around, every thing around us.. Whether Sun, air, Trees, water bodies,mountains, Flowers... are all giving us. 
We get warmth from sun.. Bodily temperature is maintained, we remain healthy. Our house remains free from insects and other pests. So many devices today run with solar energy. Imagine, one day if sun ☀says I am tired today, let me rest for a day, what will happen to life's and non living. What will happen to water cycle, growth and decay process of plant 🌱species.. And at large agriculture. What will we eat and how we are going get fire element in our bodies, the energy which runs all system smoothly. Do, we ever thank our life's force, sun 🌞for its contribution

Similarly, 💧Water, do we care for every drop of water. Water cleanisify, detox our bodies,gives coolness, hydrates our skin and helps tissues grow and repair. And at large supports all lives on earth to sustain and replenish. There is a large population in the world 🌏who are deprived of water for drinking and daily needs. There are places, where water is 🍋sour, hard unsuitable for drinking purpose and other daily needs and there are places which falls prey to droughts and floods, affecting lives of many So, do i care enough to save every 💧drop of water and feel greatful for getting it in abundance in my life.

Similarly,Trees🌲🌳🌴, forests are a home to lot many life creatures and if there is too much deforestation for fulfillment of material needs of human beings, where will these creatures go whose whole existence is dependent upon forests. Extinction of these species is depriving us of our valuable natural hub. Also trees give shelter, oxygen and natural refreshment to us humans, is it not a good idea to save them and restore the ecological balance and live a Harmonious life in the lap of our saviors, Trees

Similarly air, composition of air that we inhale today has a mixture of so many chemicals making it unhealthy for survival and is the cause so many air borne 😷 diseases. Asthma, Breathlessness, suffocation etc. Despite of the air composition, our own life style habits where we are always in state of rush, anxious and in the quest of getting more and more,winning over the others has put us in an unhealthy state of emotional being where our breathing patterns and bodily rhythms and vibrations has disturbed which has lead to many air borne as well as Psychosomatic diseases. Avoiding inner and outer 🏇race gives us ample time to deep breath,inhale proper amount of oxygen and enjoy wellness in our precious lives. 

Similarly all the elements of 🌿🍃nature has close connection with our minds and bodies, we influence them and they in return influences our healthy existence and overall well being. Nature has not forgot its nature of giving, We too need to follow 💗this special virtue in our lives and keep on spreading purity through our thoughts, words and actions and relive the tradition of giving. Giving love, Giving Happiness, Giving support, Giving comfort, Giving cooperation, Giving courage, Giving enthusiasm, Giving time, Giving 👼🙏❤Blessings. 

Then the world really is a better place to live in. Clean the mind.. 🌳Green the planet🌐 earth and experience Global Harmony. 


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