Long lasting Love ❤

What is love.. A feeling or a decision. Love, the most sacred feeling is not just a feeling, it comes with a lot of responsibilities and sacrifices. It's a promise... It's surrendering oneself before your beloved and in return,it becomes the duty of your beloved to take care of your needs, be it respect,health, progress or even empowerment. When the two souls, comes closer, share life with each other,their qualities as well as the most unrevealed part of their personalities which is dark also gets disclosed. It is that time when the two needs to accept and respect each other as they are and motivate the other one to fill the gap by empowering each other. Loving someone means to give freedom, trusting enough to let other person grow, admiring as they are and expressing your heart felt gratitude for being there in your life. The more one has tendency to give (love,respect,trust etc)in a relationship rather than expecting better the understanding between the two and hence stronger the bond. Being unconditional and sacrificing self(mostly the egoistic part) for other person's happiness is the key 🔑to a long lasting successful relation. 


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