A Life Worth Living.

A Life Worth Living. 

Is a life a mystery... Or a race.... Or a gamble... Or a game.... Or a promise... Or a Drama... Or a journey.... Or a Book.
Actually everything....

The ones who won the world went empty handed only, it's enough to win the hearts.

Selflessness, hopefulness,truthfulness honesty,humbleness and patience are qualities which lets us move in dignity in life. These makes a person fearless. And the one wearing the ornaments of these divine virtues always remain carefree and moves in faith unshakable and immovable not racing towards destination but enjoying the journey.
Someone once asked me what is the purpose of your life, I humbly told living itself is the purpose of life. We are all born with the belief, life is a race, for winning other one has to lose but think for a while, can we all not win. Can we stand for each other rather than against each other. Can we make efforts to increase the respect of each other.Can we increase the value/worth of each other and feel valued.Can we give credit to others and feel rewarded! Of course we can do this, we have been doing this in our small like minded groups. Same has to be done in all of our organisations or families and realive the spirit of brotherhood and unity in all. Then there will be a life worth living. 


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