A Healthy, Happy and an Empowering Day all in your hands.

Morning...wake up sit with yourself 30min. Start with good morning to God.Recharge self with powerful thoughts..I am a Happy soul,I am a powerful soul,I am a fortunate soul.Getting ready for work.. What thoughts... (Rush rush have to do this this..No... Think it's a new day.. Beautiful day.. I have been given a new life..। Morning so fresh... Sun so bright... Today is an opportunity to go about creating a successful day.. Happy, peaceful, loveful, cooperative. Today I will only give, give and give. Accept and not expect. Rejoice variety nature of people and not complaint. I will dance over difficulties and sing with the tunes of life. I will not resist or reject situations or people and see only goodness where ever i am. I will maintain my calm within chaos and find my way out.I will  find out alternative ways of getting things done.. I will response and not react to external stimuli that come to ignite me. I will see people with a new vision...souls.. Unique, beautiful,talented,with their strengths and weaknesses.I will give unconditional love and respect to all no matter what the position or status of the person is. I will find out one person at least in whose life I can make a difference,will help him wholeheartedly

In the Evening,a feeling of gratitude... What a wonderful day.. What a wonderful life.. I am a bestower. I am a great donor.. I want nothing from anyone, I am a donor. How wonderful I am. How beautiful my heart is. What an elevated soul I am. Giving is my nature. I fullfil led my religion, the more I give,the more I am filled with goodness. I released all the emotional blockages and I feel light.
Moreover, What I give comes back to me.So, I always feel good about my present, I don't count, I don't keep an account.This moment is a happy moment, precious moment.. Life is precious, I fly and don't predict future. Today is my hands and I live it fully. Reaching home, I energise my home with smile and love for all.. I concile any tiredness that I may be feeling and give a gift of life to all.. Happiness, love, gratitude.. My life is  better and worth living because of all of you.. Give a warm hug to all your family members... Express your love for a United happy family.. Share your learnings, progress chart with your people.. How you controlled yourself in a situation, listen keenly their views and ideas and their news  for the day and let the bond grow stronger.Avoid any complaint s or blames or any other negativity. Transform every thing to something positive and empowering.keep an aim of Elevating each other's mood and see miracles. Prepare yourself for a good night sleep, avoid digital world. Read something good, empty yourself in front of God of any negative traces of the day. Forgive others and forgive self for any such matter. Let go.lighten yourself. Talk to yourself, give yourself directions for a better Tommorow and sleep in God's remembrance. 


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