

To you ...

"It took me a lifetime to find you, and just one look into your eyes to fall hopelessly in love with you

I just know it's for forever, and so, I won't waste a single moment pondering over how to love your innumerable hues ...

I'm utterly, senselessly, hopelessly in love with your each and every piece and part

Now, I will pamper you, spoil you and ultimately ruin you until you're pushed too far not to offer me your heart ...

I will pamper you by telling, "I've not seen anything or anyone more beautiful than you"

By making you the air I breathe, by not making you an option but the only priority I have,

And by shedding the tears of longing I've never imagined I'd shed for anyone ...

I'll spoil you by gently climbing your tall walls, that you've built around you so painstakingly over time

What everyone else have ever tried was to break open your doors

I'll pamper you by gathering your pieces together, when you lay scattered on the floor ...

I'll spoil you by not being your knight in the shining armour 

I'll pamper you by telling, "you alone are going to make it, you yourself are the warrior" ...

By being your silence when your storms cause havoc inside your chaotic mind

By being your storm when this world looks down upon you, not being so kind ...

By being your confidante when for yourself you don't need anyone to stay ...

I'll spoil you by loving you when no one would 

By being always there in your corner when no one else ever could ...

I'll pamper you by loving you on the days when you're so hard to love,

On the days you feel unworthy and not enough ...

On the days you hate your reflection in the mirror, 

On the days your swollen tearful eyes from the night before looks at you in horror ...

My arms will pamper you by redesigning your bad space into your home

I'll spoil you by my presence amidst your loneliness, by whispering, "you're not alone" ...

I'll spoil your soul, by kissing your mouth when you'd want me to touch the bottom of your bottomless abyss of a soul, to retrieve the pearl you hide there

I'll ruin your body on the days when you'd feel empty and worthless, by filling all your cracks and cavities

With my hands and lips,

And then with you riding my body sitting on top, reigning like a queen ...

Every moment, on all the days I will continually pamper, spoil and ruin you from desiring anyone else ever,

Until you feel desired and wanted again ...

Until you know my intentions are honest and sincere

And I want only you ...

Untill you start believing in my love more than your scars and insecurities 

Until you're loved enough to know I've made my mind to stay, in the very beginning

When I laid my eyes upon yours ...

And until you know me enough to close the door of your heart behind, keeping us in,

And until you know that I will continue loving you with every fiber of my being,

Beyond that day when your heart will get entangled in mine,

That day our souls will recognize each other, again after so many lifetimes ..."



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