Take care of your heart

I hope you take care of your heart. And that you let go of all of the people who play with it. The ones who take advantage of you, and your kindness, and mistake it for weakness. I hope you learn your worth.

I hope you take care of you heart. And above all things, you learn to let go. That you continue to allow light into your life. That you make room to love. That you make room for the people who deserve to be in your life. You just might not know them yet.

I hope you don't let the world make you become jaded. I know how difficult that can be when you've been through so much. Don't let all of the people who are reckless with the hearts of others convince you that yours isn't worthy of something beautiful, something real.

You are softhearted, you are rare. You let people in. You love with all you have. And you get taken advantage of for this. You try not to let it break you. But sometimes it sticks, sometimes it stings.

You have your days, where you just don't understand why you are never chosen. You wonder when things will get better. You question your heart.

But please, just hold on. You are stronger than anything that is trying to defeat you. And above all, you love the most. That is your power. That is your strength.

If you keep being you, you will make it. Keep pushing. Keep smiling. Keep being who you are. The world needs your heart in this world. It needs that beauty. Defend it. Protect it. And never stop believing in it's worth.


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