To love is to be vulnerable

 Loving anything, anyone, or any experience comes with a price – vulnerability. The moment you open your heart, it becomes susceptible to the whims of fate, fragile, and potentially breakable.

If self-preservation is your goal, you can shield your heart from the world. Envelop it in a protective layer of solitude, distractions, and indulgences. Avoid attachments, lock your emotions away, and bury them beneath the weight of your own selfish desires.

But be warned, this supposed safety comes at a steep cost. A heart locked away, untouched and unloved, will undergo a transformation. It won't shatter; instead, it will petrify, becoming impenetrable, unyielding, and irredeemable.

To love is to be vulnerable, to risk the ache of heartbreak, and to brave the uncertainty of it all. Yet, it's in this vulnerability that we find the true beauty of love – the capacity to feel, to connect, and to experience life in all its messy, magnificent glory.


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