I am still full of light


For a long time I was led to believe that looking for the good in everything was a weakness. That it was naive and foolish to build up a world that would try to tear me down.

But to look for good, 

to be determined to find it, 

to believe that it exists in a world 

that has proved it is capable of harbouring the complete opposite…

I don’t think that’s weakness and I don’t think it’s naive. 

I think that’s hope. I think it’s faith.

To rise from the dark, to stand before something that has tried to bury you and to say “I am still full of light”…

I think that’s strength.

Those who look for the good and assume the best are not doing so because they think the world is always bright and sunny and gentle.

They’re doing it because if nobody looked for the light,

if no-one searched for the soft edges

or sought out the warmth,

then the world would be perpetually cold and dark and rough. And they know that the world deserves better than that.

But mostly, they’re doing it because they know

that if you don’t look for something -

if you assume that it just cannot be found -

then there’s a very good chance

that you’ll never find it.

And they know it's there.

The good. The light. The warmth.

And they're determined to find it.

Even if it means becoming it themselves.



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