Connection with Ocean:With Love it's easy....

Many people talk of God as Universal energy highest form of vibration energy
that flows through whole universe and connects all living and non living entities.
But is it just an energy or a living entity with spiritual energy ,that's the question!!
Religion depicts God in Human form.Different religions have different beliefs and different
ways to idealize God.Common thing in all of them is they believe God to be listening to them
from somewhere and sometimes answers their prayers,clearly proves that he must be a living energy.
And if he is living he must have his name and form too,because there can not be a thing that
exists and doesn't have name or form.
The way we human souls have a part recorded in to eat,sleep,work,
connect,plan,enjoy,rest.God must also be having a part recorded in him which is Divine.Fulfilling
pure wishes,giving strength and support,Healing,removing sorrows,bestowing Happiness and wisdom, guiding & showing the path. 

The way we humans have a language with which we express our feelings,The highest entity
God must also have some Language too with which he responds to our feelings.
Any relation is formed there is a connection on the level of feelings.and feelings can only be
understood and exchanged when they are true and heartfelt and there is complete willingness.
With God too,for having a relation and connection,first we need to
to understand him as he really is and then there should be complete willingness to listen to him
and thirdly we should know the language he speaks.
soul consciousness is the first step to connect with God.Remember,the nature of God is
unconditional Bestower,ocean of Love,so to connect with him we need to go to him as the way he his praise is sung ..the innocent Lord.I need to go to him as an innocent child
with selfless love.No demands,No complaints.just to meet the one and enjoy the dive in
unlimited ocean.Not even with an aim to raise
my vibration energy.Like,when you go to seashore you automatically gets its coolness and you
feel the serenity,you don't have to ask the sea to offer you with its coolness and serenity,
the same way God too bestows his treasures on you as soon as you go to him,you don't have to
even think that i have come to God for experiencing peace,love,power or Happiness.As soon as
you become soul conscious,contemplate his virtues,emerge the pure intention and willingness to
connect and silently start conversing with him as your own Beloved Father,You feel he responds
you with great Love.This is a true lively connection with the Living father,where there are no difficult methods or Labor, any asans Or prayanaams, just a pure & true heart that is all needed. 


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