Karm Yogi Life,Lotus Like LIfe:A Gift of GOD

Incorporeal God father,the highest one ,resident of highest abode sweet silence home,Incorporeal world, creator of deities Brahma,Vishnu and Shankar(Generator,Operator,Destroyer) the ocean of Knowledge,Knower of 3 aspects of time(trikaldarshi)says Be Holy...Become Pure...as in Geeta also it is said..."KAAM MAHASHATRU HAI".I alone is the Liberator ,I alone grants you salvation,No corporeal being(worldly being)guru etc can't be called trikaldarshi or liberator or even purifier.Supreme Almighty is the one who purifies even the sadhus and gurus(as said in the Gita,main sadhuon ,guruon ka bhi uddhar karta hoon).They say the world is illusion(jagat mithya hai),they don't believe in existence of world and its worldly duties and even in bliss/Happiness that can be experienced in this world(as they sukh kaag vishta ke saman hai),they leave the homes and run towards forests seeing sorrows of the world.Ofcorse they see vices..especially Lust(Kaam vikar)as the door towards Hell so they believe"naari narak ka dwar hai" and Go for sanyaas.OK..good on their part.But calling world as illusion and defaming the women,how far is it true or fare...world is there,it does exist,it does have goodness in it,relationships in it and can have true Happiness in it if there is a control over senses and discipline over mind through God's remembrance.And women who is called mother(janni),the sustainer(palanhar),the shakti,gayatri(the teacher),uma(the one who gives enthusiasm),kali(Destroyer of evil) and worshiped in temples and mostly on Navratri,kanya pujan is there.How can they call women to be the door towards Hell...It is the the attitude of vice towards her that is the door towards Hell.Next they call themseleves as aham Brahmasmi or shivoham...means I am the brahm(universe) , I am Shiva(God).We live in Brahm element ...we live in this universe,we are the living entity in it,we are part of it and not Brahm itself.We are children of God and not the father itself.God at this moment teaches us Unlimited Renunciation (Behad ka Sanyaas)while Living in this world,fulfilling duties and relationships and enjoying all the beauties and wonders of life,at the same time to remain Beyond world by exercising self control, disciplining the mind and senses and remembering one father so that no vice touches soul and We lead a Lotus like LIFE.Loving and Detached.God 's Slogan....Be Holy Be Yogi.


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