God's Grace in Life
Ever thought he must also have a role and responsibility in my life...
Who will help me come out of my sorrows
Who will help me get out of my worries
Who will sought my issues at work or relationships
Who will give me the idea or the way to be successful.
Who will teach me to be well wisher/empathetic when i myself feel the need for the same.
Who will show me the direction in life when there are so many options and opinions.
Who will show me the path to easy progress as a human being and in my profession.
Who will give me peace of mind and console me in my failures despite all efforts in my trial times.
Who will heal my emotional pains ...hurts and betrayls and let me held myself up again to move on and trust again.
Who will purify me and take me back home.
o'God father...o'merciful father...o'highest on high holy father...purifier...life saver...protector..supreme Healer...ocean of love,peace.Blissful father....bestower of divine intellect...data vidhata vardata...bigri banane wala...pran bachane wala....paar lagane wala...
creator director supreme actor of this unlimited drama...
The way every actor has its part and time of coming to stage..prime minister has its part...president has its part...cheif minister has its part and has their tenures..simillarly in this world drama...saints/sages..Ramkrishna..swami vivekanand,saibaba...religious fathers...Buddh,Christ...deities..Krishna,Ram...has their part and time of coming....and God who is almighty and supreme has the highest part of awakening inner truth within the soul and purifying the soul by making the soul experience all relations with him and bestowing all attainments in life.When does the supreme actor comes on world stage?when all the souls are in their most degraded form when there is utter superstion in the name of god and his devotion and religion loses its power and when there is ignorance and darkness in the minds of people...when there is sinfulness,unrighteousness and corrruption in the minds and acts of humans.when there is falsehood and vices all around.It is this time my friends when the ocean of knowledge,the seed of this human world tree comes into the stage of the world to awaken the truth within each soul and make them righteous and elevated by giving them the light of knowledge of who they actually were,the pure beings.how they have actually come in the cycle of birth and rebirth ,what was their elevated stage when they started the cycle.This is sangam yuga..It is this change of conciousness and the connection with supreme that enables the soul to once again reach that highest potential with which it started its journey in world drama.So,am I just praying God for small things with no surity of fulfilment or i would take my inheritence by having him in my life at every step..Think!!Its now or never!
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