Why Spirituality

Why Spirituality:-

Life needs to be Healthy,wealthy and full of bliss and success.No wants to lag behind,everyone wants to be a  number 1.We have resources,we have information,we have skill,we have means to connect.
Our overall well being is a result of emotional,physical,mental,social and spiritual well being.
Work ,relations,Health and our interests(recreation and entertainment) are the areas where we put our most of the attention and efforts.Still it is seen that we face challenges managing our crucial areas.Now the question arises why so?What is missing?where are we lacking?why we are not getting results proportionate to our efforts?The ans is lack of regulation.Today,we have all the ways and means,skills and resources,whole lot of information.Have you ever flied a kite.For the kite to take a high flight you have to keep a keen attention where to hold it tight and where to let it loose and let it float naturally.Its the same with life,for the life to take a flight you have to regulate the flow of information in you.Too much information  and past experiences(failures) sometimes makes us mechanical and we are used to think like robots,we loose our most powerful strengths...power to believe and power to create.Our mind has creative power,we create our destiny through our thinking.We attract situations and circumstances in our life through our attitudes.If we are always anxious and stressed about success ,we are actually repelling it from us.if we are always worried and tensed about future,we are actually creating similar scenarios in our life that will make us feel insecure.If we are self obsessed and are not able to think beyond I,me and Myself,definitely there will be a time when no one else will think for you.So,Now what is the solution?Regulation of information coming from outside...TV,internet,whatsapp,newspaper and people around..Say a BIG NO to any negative information coming from outside...which makes us believe certain things and robs us of our emotional and mental energy.things like...Nowadays,this is no time when you can trust people..everyone is corrupt and selfish...there is so much competition,you can't help others,what if they go ahead.The one who has money and position is the one who is respected in society.All these beliefs and many other similar ones when we listen and see repeatedly makes us very doubtful,stubborn,insecure and sometimes even inhuman in our connections and seeing the life.The life,that should be positive,powerful and beautiful is becoming full stress and anxiety.The reason is  simple  as mentioned above we have blocked our feelings of trust,self reliance,kindness and love.Spirituality helps us in regulating the flow of information inside us..seeing the bright side in every situation...setting things into right perspective...transforming any negative or waste thought to a pure and powerful thought and makes us into the ones with pure and powerful mind which manifests a new reality where Success and Happiness is natural.


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