Blissful life

10 Golden rules for Blissful life

1.Become Tension free -Do your best and leave the rest.Lessen your desires.

2.Handle pressures-Do one thing at a time.Be in 
present.Expect less and accept more and feel grateful for 
   what is there with you.

3.Cope difference of opinions Create win -win situation and 
control only self.
4.Accept yourself and love yourself,Become emotionally mature.Think slowly and of quality.

5.Identify yourself not only with external achievements ,roles 
and attainments.

6.Count your blessings.

7.Relax,rejuvenate your inner being with spiritual knowledge 
and meditation.

8.Practice silence during the day many times.

9.Practice morning meditation,night meditation,evening 

10.Write a letter of gratitude to god.


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