At some point during the journey of life, any of the following questions might have crossed your mind:

  • Who am I? What am I? What is my true identity?
  • How do thoughts come and go? How can I control them?
  • How do my thoughts and feelings interact with the body?
  • How do I make my mind powerful?
  • Why do we experience emotions, feelings, tension and stress?
  • How does one develop behavioural patterns, traits etc., and how to change them?
  • How do I lead a life of peace and bliss?
The first lesson is about understanding the self.
The human body is a complex pattern of physical energies. Atomic particles bind together to form the organic structures and inorganic minerals which interact chemically to carry out the hormonal and nervous processes that run the body. What we see as old or young, ugly or beautiful, male or female are differing levels of physical energies. However marvellous a machine the body may be, it is the presence of the non-physical sentient energy, the soul, which makes it function.
I am a living entity separate from the body. Just as a man speaking on a telephone has an identity separate from that of the instrument – he being a living person who has the faculties of feeling, thinking, willing and making effort — the conscious entity in the body which uses the word “I” is different from the body, which has eyes, ears, limbs etc. as its components. I am not the eyes, ears or the mouth, but I see with my eyes, speak through my mouth, hear with my ears and am their master. I am a soul, eternal and immortal. The body is mortal; I act through it and experience the results of my actions.
The soul is the driver of the body, which serves as its vehicle. When the soul leaves the body, the body is declared dead.


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