At times, questions that seem to have no answers arise in our minds and leave us angry, distressed, frustrated or depressed. Here are some typical examples – Why are we here? Why was I born here and he there? Why is she beautiful and I am ugly? Why is so and so crippled for no apparent fault of his? Why does the egotistical bully who browbeats his business partners, fiddles his income tax returns and beats his wife attain outstanding success? Why did the quiet little widow who never said a harsh word to anyone live in appalling conditions and die unwanted and uncared for? Why is there so much suffering?
The answer — based on the law of karma or the karma philosophy – is that no one can escape the results of their actions. Depending on the kind of actions we perform, we suffer or enjoy the results, either in this life or later. The law of karma is inviolable, so everyone must act responsibly, keeping in mind that ignorance of the law will not save anyone.
Actions performed in body-consciousness, under the slightest influence of vices such as hatred, anger, greed, ego, lust, jealousy etc. ultimately bring sorrow and suffering.
On the other hand, if a person is soul-conscious and has a balanced judgment, a peaceful mind and a clean heart, he would act with love, compassion and humility. This would bring benefit to him as well as others.
Man’s most powerful resource is thoughts. Thoughts build our consciousness and shape our attitude. Every human creation in the world is the product of thoughts. Thoughts are fertilized by knowledge. A person with a certain kind of knowledge usually creates thoughts related to that field of knowledge.
Thoughts determine the quality of our actions, which in turn have a good or bad effect on us. This again influences our thinking. So right thinking based on the right knowledge is essential for leading a happy life. Rajyoga meditation helps us create thoughts that lead to righteous actions, and to remain mentally strong in difficult situations.


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