For learning something new especially Knowledge of Soul and Supreme Soul ,one has to come empty apron.
In world,We already have read a lot of books,achieved a lot in worldly fronts,have lot of experiences of life in terms of work & Relations.
But this is the knowledge of purity,a new knowledge ,Spiritual knowledge that purifies us and makes us free from karmic bondages. Body conscious which  is source of all distress and suffering has made everyone’s life’s boat sinking and we are wandering  here and there,stumbling in darkness to find life’s attainments,Love,Happiness etc but failing actually to reach soul's true qualities.

Life's ultimate purpose is of coming close to self and reaching  soul's highest potential .

.To learn from God and realize the reality of life in its truest and unadultered  form,we have to identify ourseleves as a soul and forget for a while the limited identifications of gender,caste,creed,nationality,occupation or roles/positions and start a journey in which God takes us along. Follow his directions and then slowly all the secrets of life and the unlimited drama of life and inner treasures are revealed to us .Truth is always simple,it is us who made it complicated by our behavioral patterns and belief systems and so unintentionally we fall back to our old ways that’s the reason we need a permanent guide who is all powerful constantly with us who can bring us back to our reality with his power of purity.And so,it is the pure spiritual knowledge by God himself that helps one live a life of high principle with a sense of bliss.Meditation  or connection with God helps the soul gain powers from God to regain the clarity within itself and lead a peaceful and Happy life amidst challenges.


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