
Showing posts from 2018

Fear is just a self imposed illusion!!

What is cause of fear and indecisiveness or even tension in the face of trials ...Well that is lack of clarity and faith. When the intellect is wandering for why,what ,how or looking for an option that is more comfortable that seems safe,it loses its ability to accept and prepare itself for the challenge.Fear,tension,overthinking drains the soul of its power of determination,patience,tolerance and courage and in the course of drained energy,its almost impossible to face and win the challenge. One needs to be mentally powerful and emotionally sound to cross over hurdles that one comes across.A little bit of prior mental preparation and exercising and controlling mental powers in small situations of daily life helps in crossing over big crisis and turbulent situations. 

Spirituality -The way to be.

A very nice read.. What is Spirituality? The term  spirituality  or being spiritual is being used quite frequently these days, but what exactly does it mean and how does it relate to life? Many people like to tell others they are a 'spiritual' person probably to let them know they are not materialistic or superficial and that they 'get it'. That's fine if we all understand and agree on what we're talking about. Traditionally being spiritual signified having an attachment to religious values, or matters of the spirit, rather than material or worldly interests. More recently it has also taken on to mean reaching higher levels of consciousness using  meditation , yoga and similar practices. I consider spirituality to be a state in which we are  connected  to God, Nature, each other, and the deepest part of ourselves. Why is spirituality important in our lives? In order for us to function fully, all aspects of ourselves must be  balanced...

Are you dependent upon something or someone?

  Are you dependent upon something or someone? If you consider yourself to be responsible for your deeds,you are free,you are Happy,you are powerful.But If you think something outside is responsible for my trouble then how can you be Happy ever.Its not possible to always control outside situations/people so you will always be complaining and never be Happy.One can only control and transform self,this is the only freedom and power one has.The pain and despairs are the causes of one’s own deeds and decisions in this life or past life and the day one changes his deeds and decisions in present moment,from that day onwards,one experiences change in life. The ones who  considers life to be a gamble and thinks only of Profit all the time , the ones  who has the philosophy of eat,drink and merry,the ones who works on the principle of tit for tat can never understand the seeds of sorrows sown by them and they live in the illusion of knowing everything.That is the Ego,wh...

How does Ego arises in a Man.

How does Ego arises in a Man. A human being becomes corrupt when he becomes powerful and falls into the trap of knowing everything(sarvagyata)….and forgets his duty /responsibility for bringing benefit to others which is the aim of  his position.This is the end of his wisdom.Superiority complex…an illusion/deception.Greatest pit  to fall into.With increase in power,responsibility rises many folds,if that is not fulfilled ego arises and the soul weakens.

Purpose of life

Purpose of life Money is important, but not everything. Apart from basic needs,everything else is a desire(ichha)…and they are endless(antheen). if one has enough,one should donate to those who can’t manage to get even their  necessasities. This will create a  Balance in society.A feeling of compassion and brotherhood will remain alive. The one who has lot of wealth feels peacelessness***(see below) and if he does an act of charity,a good deed  in the name of God.God fulfills their desire of imperishable attainments(peace,Happiness,love) in return of this pure feeling of bringing benefit to those in need. Purpose of life is to feel life and come closer to God. ****For profit,anger,rough language,…insulting words…will this increase their productivity?.Will he be Happy after that…will he be sending me good energy after that. lost relations,lost health.So,I got the Project done…Got money…Got things and comforts…but where is Happiness..where is Health...

Connection between soul awareness and bodily actions and its role in manifestation of new reality

Connection between soul awareness and bodily actions and its role in manifestation of new reality Soul is different from body,but very much integrated to body for experiencing   and transforming life. Soul realization means experiencing life by being aware of soul’s powers—how attitude forms,How beliefs work and how to create new beliefs,What to memorise in life’s situations or   while coming in contact with each other or before starting any work.What to eat,see and hear as they become part of my being,How to respond to challenges in life.How to manifest desired reality in life.How to do deeds using divine virtues   and create divine sanskars. This requires study of spiritual knowledge .We need to affirm—I am a peaceful soul,I am a pure soul,I am a powerful soul,I am a Happy soul,I am loveful being.I am paitient ,tolerant,contented and fulfilled soul.I am capable of doing anything that seems difficult.I am a powerful soul Knowledge of creating new attitudes...

Upliftment by empowerment

Human being, a bundle of mistakes acceptance essential...highest humbleness...(Na janne ki swikriti hi sabse badi vinamrta) sins finish off with pure deeds...when there is realisation ...self respect grow...return of pure stage in soul. God not a strict judge...ready to humiliate or insult you or defame you or punish you...God is ocean of mercy we called ourselves to be "charno ki dhool""neech papi..""vishya vikari".."dar ka naukar" in our prayers.God is ocean of love...He is supreme father...He is supreme purifier(patit pawan).. How will he uplift a soul with such dis empowering attitude.The aim is to bring self realization,the only way of transformation .For self realization,one definitely needs love with teachings.God is therefore a teacher and teaches with Love.Heals the soul.Talks with respect... understands the soul's needs of Love,Happiness,abundance,Respect,perfection,beauty,power...and transforms the vices into virtues ...

Spirituality in Relationships

Loving someone means loving everything and everyone that,'that one' loves--his family,his aims/objectives,his principles.Dear Friends,Love comes with a promise by default to support and be in sync with your beloved.It is always good to have a balance in life.Obsession ,possessiveness,being over demanding,criticizing,complaining and being sensitive nature is what makes a relation vulnerable in long run.Other hand, being caring,respecting,supporting,understanding needs,giving space and freedom,expressing gratitude,appreciating,sharing  and enjoying little things in life always strengthens a relationship.For that,one has to mold self at times,tolerate,have patience,accommodate weaknesses  at times.Dear friends,we have to take time out and make healthy conversations time to time to bridge any gap that may have been created. It is good to encourage one another for being independent and for taking up the dream job or any hobby or interest to have a healthy balance in life.On...

Realizing my Own Personal God Still Needs Guidance

Incorporeal God Shiva We have been travelling to pilgrimages for lifetime for becoming Pure(Pawan) and with the aim of getting a glimpse of God.Some also have a gut feeling that it is the call of God and they go with full vigour to far off places with a lot of faith in their minds.All along the path,they sing and dance in the divine joy of meeting God.The path is not easy..there are ups and down especially on hilly areas.There are sometimes rains and storms.Sometimes they even get tired so they do rest in between and sometimes even take a cart or vehicle to sustain their journey.Even ,Sometimes one goes on to take a lengthy path or even wrong path making the destination appear really far.The journey is fun yet not easy.So,sensible ones do take a guide who can show the right path. Similarly,on the path of spirituality,one needs a guide,the aim should be very clear that firstly,we want to become pure only then secondly we can celebrate a meeting with God.Then one should keep ...

Second more chance to Live

At times we think...we have done so much in life...We have always fulfilled our responsibilities be it  family or social.We feel content too in our lives.Still at some point of life,we feel everyone has taken up their roads and has moved ahead.Our friends and relatives and everyone else has moved ahead in their life's journey including our own children .We know that this is truth,we are happy too about all of them and the new life's journey of our loved ones .There is a deep acceptance and agreement with drama of life. But still we feel sometimes..what am i left with.I am retired from my Job, life partner is no more.Children are busy with their lives,they have become mature and happy in their lives.At that time,the person usually gets his past memories-- pleasant as well as unpleasant ones.A mixed feeling of proud of what i have done in my life  as well as some feelings of regret and resentment for what i could have done better.   I wish I have had understood my li...

Living In Harmony

So many energies working around us…are we aware of them…?magnetic energy…solar energy…heat energy..nuclear energy…thermal energy…every object or entity also has its intrinsic energy field….water,wind,plants,sky,earth,fire…They all are connected to us….we have been constantly exchanging energy with them…When the circuit of energy is complete and balanced,we feel comfortable and light.But if that level is disturbed and unordered….we feel that in the form of many ailments,illnesses,drowsiness,uneasiness on the emotional,physical and mental level. We are surrounded with nature(5 elements,their objects and other living forms like plants and animals)and also the science equipments, We need to have complete knowledge about how they affect us to   have a Harmonious relation with them. We must also have seen various phenomenas around us like rains,earthquake,volcanic eruptions,eclipses,winds, tsunamis. All of these are the results of collective energy imbalances that human bei...

How to Live Life King Size with the Master.

sabke gunon ka chintan..apni praptiyon ka chintan..apne sukhon ka chintan...apne adhikaron ka use sukh dene liye...khushiyan baantne liye...umang dene liye... hum bade hai...bada mana hi nirmaan(humble)..bada mana hi shama ke master sagar .. kyu karun..mujhe achha lagta hai.. appreciation karun,pyan batun khatri(care)karun..samman(reapect) batun.. saugaat(gift) doon....hum dene  wale hain...dena hi lena hai...main master data paramtma pita ki bharpoor santaan hoon..kyun tolun..kyu mangu...kyu compare karu...humare paas bahut hai...main santusht(contented) hoon...doosro ko dekh apne gun (qualities)kyu chhorun...kyu chinta karun bhavishya ki...kyu mera mera sochun....kyu na self respect ki seat par baith jaun.......main sarvshaktivaan bhagwaan ki santaan hoon...kyu hisab rakhun...kyu tolu...usne itna kiya maine itna...usne ye kaha maine ye...maine itni baar kiya usne ek baar bhi nai...kyu aisa khota business karun...kyu na baantti jaun badati jaun....main avinashi guno se...

Connection with Ocean:With Love it's easy....

Many people talk of God as Universal energy highest form of vibration energy that flows through whole universe and connects all living and non living entities. But is it just an energy or a living entity with spiritual energy ,that's the question!! Religion depicts God in Human form.Different religions have different beliefs and different ways to idealize God.Common thing in all of them is they believe God to be listening to them from somewhere and sometimes answers their prayers,clearly proves that he must be a living energy. And if he is living he must have his name and form too,because there can not be a thing that exists and doesn't have name or form. The way we human souls have a part recorded in to eat,sleep,work, connect,plan,enjoy,rest.God must also be having a part recorded in him which is Divine.Fulfilling pure wishes,giving strength and support,Healing,removing sorrows,bestowing Happiness and wisdom, guiding & showing the path.  The way ...

Benefits of Responsibility

Responsibility makes a person aware of his capacity Responsibility helps in building of a makes a person humble. Responsibility enables a person to know that there is a world beyond himself i.e turns a person into selfless being. A responsible person is able to see and live life in its full spectrum and is able to appreciate gifts that life has bestowed on him and is able to feel gratitude for God and all beings. A responsible person keeps Harmony in thoughts,words and action. A responsible person benefits all and is able to get their blessings. The one who is responsible is fearless and easily able to take up any  new challenge because of being authority of experience. A responsible person always have urge to learn and bring newness and creativity at all tasks. A responsible is the one who is image of support and inspiration for many. A responsible person believes in himself and has firm faith in God as his backbone. Responsibility keeps you young and...

Karm Yogi Life,Lotus Like LIfe:A Gift of GOD

Incorporeal God father,the highest one ,resident of highest abode sweet silence home,Incorporeal world, creator of deities Brahma,Vishnu and Shankar( G enerator, O perator, D estroyer) the ocean of Knowledge,Knower of 3 aspects of time(trikaldarshi)says Be Holy...Become in Geeta also it is said..."KAAM MAHASHATRU HAI".I alone is the Liberator ,I alone grants you salvation,No corporeal being(worldly being)guru etc can't be called trikaldarshi or liberator or even purifier.Supreme Almighty is the one who purifies even the sadhus and gurus(as said in the Gita,main sadhuon ,guruon ka bhi uddhar karta hoon).They say the world is illusion(jagat mithya hai),they don't believe in existence of world and its worldly duties and even in bliss/Happiness that can be experienced in this world(as they sukh kaag vishta ke saman hai),they leave the homes and run towards forests seeing sorrows of the world.Ofcorse they see vices..especially Lust(Kaam vikar)as the door tow...

God's Grace in Life

Who is God?What is my relation with him? Ever thought he must also have a role and responsibility in my life... Who will help me come out of my sorrows  Who will help me get out of my worries Who will sought my issues at work or relationships Who will give me the idea or the way to be successful.  Who will teach me to be well wisher/empathetic when i myself feel the need for the same. Who will show me the direction in life when there are so many options and opinions. Who will  show me the path to easy progress as a human being and in my profession. Who will give me peace of mind and console me in my failures despite all efforts in my trial times. Who will heal my emotional pains ...hurts and betrayls and let me held myself up again to move on and trust again. Who will purify me and take me back home. o'God father...o'merciful father...o'highest on high holy saver...protector..supreme Healer...ocean of love,peace.B...

Why Spirituality

Why Spirituality:- Life needs to be Healthy,wealthy and full of bliss and success.No wants to lag behind,everyone wants to be a  number 1.We have resources,we have information,we have skill,we have means to connect. Our overall well being is a result of emotional,physical,mental,social and spiritual well being. Work ,relations,Health and our interests(recreation and entertainment) are the areas where we put our most of the attention and efforts.Still it is seen that we face challenges managing our crucial areas.Now the question arises why so?What is missing?where are we lacking?why we are not getting results proportionate to our efforts?The ans is lack of regulation.Today,we have all the ways and means,skills and resources,whole lot of information.Have you ever flied a kite.For the kite to take a high flight you have to keep a keen attention where to hold it tight and where to let it loose and let it float naturally.Its the same with life,for the life to take a flight you ...


who are you watching..?who are you following?are you able to see reality in the illusory web created exclusively for catch your mind's attention ,take control you allow yourself to be you feel whatever is poured over to you in the name of entertainment/news is doing any good to you.are n't violence,emotional dramas,fantises,conflicts and competetion taking you living in their world or created your own?.Its high time to think and chose wisely what are we watching..For all the youth especially,its time to chose career, build strength of character,become mature and responsible and develop a powerful personality to be able to judge right or wrong and move on the righteous path.It demands a lion like courage therefore one needs to have a clarity in mind about negative forces that pulls one down.If only,you are able to discern well you will be a winner in your field.otherwise when your focus is on too many things fashion,game,movies,news,...


Nowadays there are many stories coming up of betrayls and hurts.To all those who are seeking guidance. the name of love,people are using you....crushing your self esteem,hurting you..leaving you in pain and distress..oh my friend...are you aware of your value..about your worth...about your intelligence and inner much loved and blessed you are...your parents your friends care for you...respect you for what you are..and you are feeling unwanted,rejected,lonely just because someone else has become blind and is unable to justify your true feelings in front of his sick minded low mentallity and ego.are you still in hope that things will turn fine...they never are out of cage..oh bird fly you are free now,don't let anyone useyou anymore for low degraded selfish motives.Understand your worth,your power...the whole world is open for something yourself ....increase your self respect...fulfill your dreams and become someo...


you are soul not only say..papatma(sinful soul)..punyaatma(charitable soul) never say sinful supreme soul(papvparmatama)or charitable supreme soul(punya parmatama) it can never be said that a soul is same as can never be inside us or even omnipresent..He is called to be  ocean of knowkedge...gyan sagar!ocean of peace,love,purity...merciful benevolent...blissful...can we experience these qualities else any diety soul or saints/sages or any Holymen or any master or any religion founder... He is the one who is purifier...patit pawan..This is iron age,where all souls are bodyconcious and in the chains of 5 vices..lust,anger,greed,attachment,ego....This is evil.Only the one who is liberator,guide can free us from cages of old vicious world and guide us towards new virtuos world...Golden age...Heaven...This Bharat(India) was world emperor once..where there was kingdom of divine beings..deities  where there was one religion,one kin...


1.     दान देने से बढ़ता है। 2.     क्षमा-दया – सुख 3.     जीवन में अनुभवों से जो सीखता वह आगे बढ़ता। 4.     पुण्य कर्म/श्रेष्ठ कर्म/निस्वार्थ कर्म ही मनुष्य की सबसे बड़ी पूंजी है। 5.     जीतना है तो दिलों को जीतो , छोड़ना है तो अंहकार को छोड़ों। 6.     बदलना है तो खुद को बदलो। 7.     सफलता मिल जाए तो बहुत खुश मत हो जाना , असफलता मिले तो निराश मत होना , यह जीवन हार-जीत , सफलता-असफलता , सुख-दु:ख का खेल है। 8.     आगे बढ़ने के लिए कभी झूठ , ठगी , छीनना , लूटना , रौंदना यह रास्ता सही नही है। 9.     ऊंचा उठने के लिए कभी किसी को नीचा नही दिखाना। 10. अपने गुणों की , अपने महान कार्यों की , महीमा की आशा नहीं रखना , वर्णन करने में महानता नहीं। मुख में अग्नि का वास होता है। 11. जो आपके पास है वह एक अच्छा जीवन सम्मानपूर्वक जीवन जीने के लिए बहुत है। 12. अपने आप से तुलना मनुष्य को आगे बढ़ाती। 13. सर्व को सम्मानपूर्वक दृष्ट‍ि से देख...